
Genre: Comedy/Fantasy.

Studio: Unknown.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's In It: Unknown.
Who's Making It: Unknown. Based upon the 1960s television series Bewitched.

Premise: Unknown.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: This project's been floating in development for a number of years, without any siginificant development occuring. However, the director that was attached to film this project for Penny Marshall's company passed away in October 1996. Marshall said that without her friend at the helm, her heart wouldn't be into the project.

Rumors: Most notably, a few years ago a strong rumor surfaced that Jerry Seinfeld would be the prime choice to play a Darrin. Halfway through the picture, Seinfeld suddenly is replaced by another 'Darrin', and only the audience is aware of the swap (echoing the actual change of actors portraying Darrin in the television series.)

Another rumor that was overheard mentioned Joan Collins interested in the role of Samantha's mother, Endora.

Scoop Feedback:

June 7, 1996... This fellow has heard rumors that Alicia Silverstone could be portraying Samantha, and Kelsey Grammar/Robert Picardo would be the two Darrins. Seems a bit of a May/December romance, though, don't it? [Scoop reported anonymously.]

July 23, 1996... "So, this guy I work with is on a flight from Chicago to LA, and who's sitting across the aisle but Dabney Coleman and he's reading a script to 'Bewitched'. So the guy I work with asks him, 'Is that your next film?' and Dabney Coleman shrugs and kinda nods his head -almost- a yes. So then he puts the script away." Doesn't get more enigmatic than that, folks. [Scoop filed by a nosy 'Mrs. Kravitz'.]

October 21, 1996... Another rumor places Lisa Kudrow and Nicole Kidman vying for the role of Samantha, while Hugh Grant was going to the role of (a) Darrin. [Scoop mailed in by Anna-Lyn.]

November 30, 1996... Gossip seen in Woman's Day magazine - apparently, Kudrow was set for the part. Then Kidman came along and started her suppossed 'stalking' practices as she did with Gus Van Sant (To Die For). Kidman was set for the role and Kudrow was almost in tears. The stuff she was saying in the article about Kidman was not pretty. [Scoop sent in by 'Gazza'; originally appeared in Woman's Day magazine.]

April 5, 1997... An anonymous scooper told us these actors were being scoped out for the picture -- Nicole Kidman as Samantha, Jim Carrey as Darren, and Shirley MacLaine as Endora. [Anonymous.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Sunday, 12-Jul-1998 17:28:53 PDT.