Beetlejuice 2

Genre: Comedy/Fantasy.

Studio: Warner Brothers.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Movies Rumored.

Who's In It: Michael Keaton (Beetlejuice).
Who's Making It: Jonathan Gems (Screenwriter); Tim Burton (Producer).

Premise: Unknown.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: None.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

August 27, 1996... "In an interview with the New York Daily News about his film Multiplicity, Michael Keaton was asked if there were any characters he had ever played that he would be interested in reprising. Keaton replied that he had always wanted to do a Beetlejuice sequel and that he and director Tim Burton had met recently to discuss the project. He went on to say that he and Burton were awaiting a script that is currently being written.

"Now, whether or not this film actually gets made is up in the air, because as some people may remember, a Beetlejuice sequel entitled Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian was in development at Warner Bros. in the late eighties. Unfortunatly, the project fell by the way-side when the sucess of Batman pushed Burton and Keaton into the stratosphere. No word on if the new script will have anything to do with the Hawaiian premise or if any of the original cast will return save Keaton. However, considering that Keaton, Geena Davis, and Alec Baldwin are all in the midst of major career slumps (Multiplicity, Speechless, Cutthroat Island and The Juror) anything is possible... [Project information and scoop details furnished by Diane.]

We remember that it was Michael McDowell who wrote the first treatment of the sequel to Beetlejuice, but that was the last we heard about it - and that was back in the late '80's.

November 2, 1996... We're told that the script for the Beetlejuice sequel has been written by Jonathan Gems (MARS ATTACKS!) and not Michael McDowell. Both Tim Burton and Gems claim that the sequel is a lot funnier than the original film. Still, the script it isn't even remotely close to production. [Scoop provided by Brent Lynch.]

November 21, 1996... Jonathan Gems said that he worked on the Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian script in the December '96 issue of Starlog He's quoted as saying that the choice came down to the Beetlejuice sequel or Batman Returns, and Batman Returns was obviously the one that was made. Gems doesn't say if the project is still alive or not... [Scoop furnished by 'Sgt. Spanky'; originally appeared in Starlog magazine.]

May 20, 1997... This fellow reports that he's read the new Gems script for the sequel. Supposedly Lydia and her new husband move back into the original house where Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis' spirits still inhabit. But there's trouble: Beetlejuice is holding the two ghosts hostage! It sounds ok, buuuut... the scooper misspelled character and actor names in his original email... [Scoop sent in by Carl.]

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Last updated: Sunday, 12-Jul-1998 17:28:45 PDT.