Battlefield Earth

Genre: Science Fiction/Action.

Studio: MGM.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's In It: John Travolta.
Who's Making It: John Travolta (Producer).

Premise: This is a saga of truly epic proportions. L. Ron Hubbard's, book Battlefield Earth spans several years (and well over 1,000 pages). It spills the story of Jonnie Goodboy Tyler, a survivor of an alien annihilation of Earth. After the Psyclos devastate 90% of the population and begin mining the planet, our hero ponders the existence, and whereabouts, of other survivors. Leaving his sweetheart, he sets off from the mountains near Boulder to find other 'tribes', along with some really bad aliens.

Release Date: In the year 3000, at its current pace.

Comments: Travolta, a devote Scientologist, asked MGM for the opportunity to bring L. Ron Hubbard's saga to life. Hopefully, in time, he'll be able to pull it off.

Rumors: Brad Pitt as Goodboy? That's what the latest rumor is... (Special thanks to The Scoopmeister)

Scoop Feedback:

[Draft compiled by 'Ace'.]

June 30, 1996... In this week's current issue of Entertainment Weekly (June 28-July 5) there is an article with John Travolta. In the interview they bring up the topic of Battlefield Earth by Scientology founder L Ron Hubbard. Travolta, a member of Scientology, wants to "try his hand" at producing. He has a contract with MGM to develop Battlefield Earth. The article says the script should arrive any day now. [Snippet sent in by Buz.]

June 12, 1997... In an interview, Travolta claims the film is "like Star Wars, only better." Hmmm, this we gotta see. [From Nicky the Warlock.]

July 18, 1997... After ironing out some legal disputes with Roddenberry's company, which is now airing the TV series Earth: Final Conflict in syndication, Battlefield Earth is back on track.

Recent TV Guide issues stated something like "the show had to change its name to avoid confusion with the upcoming Battlefield Earth movie." TV Guide was talking about the new Gene Roddenberry pilot coming out soon.

Not to mention the cover of Hubbard's book, which was labeled "Soon to be a major motion picture" ten years ago. We're waiting too... [Scooped by gdibig.]

July 7, 1997... This MGM project, languishing for some time, is now on the front burners -- Travolta, attached to the project (due at least in part to his devotion of L Ron Hubbard/Scientology connection), has changed his mind, and now wants to play the VILLIAN in the piece. He decided that since the hero in the book is only 19, it just didn't make sense for him to go there (the nut MGM had been trying to crack, since the bought the book based on Travolta's interest). Instead, my sources tell me, Travolta plans to ask his good pal Brad Pitt to play the hero... [From the omnipotent Scoopmeister; additional contributions by Victor and 'Widgett'.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Sunday, 12-Jul-1998 17:28:41 PDT.