Batman 5

Genre: Action/Comic Book Adaptation.

Studio: Warner Brothers.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Script Stage.

Who's In It: George Clooney has signed to do two more additional Batman films under his present contract, assuming both sides hold to their agreements; Chris O'Donnell may return as Robin; it's assumed that supporting actors Michael Gough (Alfred) and Pat Hingle (Commissioner Gordon) would make an appearance.
Who's Making It: Mark Protosevich (Screenwriter); Joel Schumacher (Developing Producer); based upon the Batman character owned by DC Comics and created by Bob Kane.

Premise: Officially, it's unknown. But rumors have been heard that The Powers That Be are looking to bring in The Scarecrow as one of Batman's adversaries, and the locale may just be Arkham Askylum.

Release Date: Before the release of 1997's Batman and Robin, a tentative release date of summer 1999 was mentioned. In the wake of B&R that date has flown out the window.

Comments: Ever since the release of Batman and Robin, a dark shape has been swirling in the mist -- Batman 5. The main villain looks to be (at the latest moment) The Scarecrow, with Harley Quinn on-board as well.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

December 3, 1996... "Very strange scoop. Normally I'd just dismiss it as rumour, but the fact that the subject of the scoop brought it to my attention makes it interesting. Apparently, there is a rumor circulating through Hollywood that king-of-all media/movie star Howard Stern is being considered for the role of the Scarecrow in the next Batman film. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. But the thing is...Howard Stern himself is talking about the rumor on the air. He said that people at Paramount have told him that Warners is waiting to see how Howard's movie does before they cast him. However, Howard himself said that he's probably not even interested because he hated the last Batman movie (Batman Forever) and it would take a really good script for him to consider it. Just thought this was kind of cool." You're right Diane, it is. [Scoop reported by the dynamic Diane.]

December 4, 1996... An anonymous writer hands us this enigmatic (and completely unsubstantiated) rumor. The next movie follows a break-out by the inmates of Arkham Asylum, led by The Scarecrow. Who would play the villain? According to this scooper, Jeremy Irons. [Scoop info sent in anonymously.]

December 24, 1996... Christmas Eve greetings come in many strange shapes. "This is something I just read. I don't believe a word of it, but I thought the readers might find it amusing. According to one of the movie boards, Tim Burton will be directing Batman 5 with George Clooney as Batman. It is being touted as the 'final sequel.' Robin will not be in it, since, according to the board, he's suppossed to die in Batman & Robin (yeah, right). The villains would be Johnny Depp as the Scarecrow (not bad), Demi Moore as Harley Quinn (personally, I like Jenny McCarthy), Wesley Snipes as Man-Bat (whatever) and (Get This) Marlon Brando as the Ventriloquist. The movie is slated for Christmas of 1999. Personally, I see this being the chief competition of that other 'sure-bet' hit of Christmas 1999...namely, Howard the Duck 2." We side with the scooper; Warner Brothers give up on its franchise? But that you mention it...Howie could be completely, wait! Hear us out! Someone from ILM must be reading this and be able to get a hold of George..! [Scoop mailed in anonymously.]

January 3, 1997... Harry Knowles' reports on his web page that the next two Batman villains will be Harley Quinn and The Scarecrow - no source given. And a second confirmation that Stern was told of Warner Brothers interest in him for Batman 5. Given this, it's a damn good chance The Scarecrow will be the major heavy in B5. [Scoop sent in by 'bsx232'.]

"Definately look for the Scarecrow, and possibly the return of what some consider the most popular villain thus far - The Riddler. Any else notice that he's the only one that hasn't been killed?" [Scoop sent in anonymously.]

Allan Whatford also has heard the Stern rumors, as well as the possibility that Harley Quinn may appear for the next sequel. But he's also heard that Bane may the next main villain and the storyline for B5 will closely follow the comics' 'Knightfall' storyline where Bane breaks Batman's back. Of course, not all of these can be true kiddies. Lotsa fans start these things, too. [Scoop supplied by Allan Whatford.]

January 4, 1997... Another report that the Harlequin will be in the film. [Scoop reported by 'ghentz'.]

January 5, 1997... "This isn't a scoop, but I was thinking about Val Kilmer wanting to play a bad guy in a future Batman movie. While reading the first four issues of Batman: Shadow of the Bat, I came to a startling, yet tingle-inducing, realization: Kilmer would make the perfect Zsasz. You know, the guy who kills via knife, and then carves a tally mark into his flesh for each kill? Val would fit that role PERFECTLY. He even looks like Zsasz." And so because this is so neat of an idea, we've included it here. Maybe someone with the power will take a gander... [Idea sent in by 'crazyivn'.]

And later that same day: " At WB they are saying 'The Scarecrow' and I forget her name but it's like Harley, it's the Joker's comapnion in the cartoon that is dressed like a jester." [Scoop reported by 'MrMojo16', who later remembered it was 'Harley Quinn'.]

[Additional scoop information and gossip supplied by 'bsx232'.]

January 10, 1997... And an anonymous individual tells us that someone else is being considered by WB for the role of The Scarecrow should Stern not fit the straw hat. David Duchovny, who went in for a fitting of the Batsuit when the part was up in early '96, is being eyed. [Scoop reported anonymously.]

January 14, 1997... "Well, here aunt is a heavy hitter lawyer for Paramount, who tells me that a colleague of hers has again said that the 5th flick will focus on the Scarecrow, who orchestrates a breakout from Arkham Asylum, accompanied by a as-yet undecided group of lesser villains, among them the Gentleman Ghost. Jeremy Irons is quietly negotiating this role, which WB feels is not one for a comic. No talk of Harley Quinn at all. Also, though there are no plans now to have Burton at the helm, the film would be darker than the 3rd and 4th installments. Other tidbits that seemed a lot less connected... A future installment with a plot involving Ra-s Al Ghul, and a plot more akin to a Bond movie, as Batman follows his foil to various exotic locales. That last one seems a bit far fetched. Anyhow...there you have it." [Scoop speculation submitted...anonymously.]

January 15, 1997... Rumor: Z100's morning radio show (broadcast from New York City) announces that Jenny McCarthy has signed to play Harley Quinn. One person heard she was going to be in the forthcoming Batman 5, while the second scooper heard she was playing the Joker's love interest in Batman and Robin. Advice: Tell Z100 to get on the Web and read us before they announce anything! [Scoops sent in anonymously and by 'wiggot'.]

February 25, 1997... Four months before the release of Batman and Robin, Warner Brothers has announced that screenwriter Mark Protosevich will write the unnamed fifth Batman feature. Protosevich is a hot writer on the WB lot, and he just handed in the latest draft of Richard Matheson's I Am Legend property. Director Joel Schumaker is helping 'develop' the fifth film but remains uncommitted to direct it, but sources say he could earn as much as $10 million if he does decide to take the job. Offically, villains being tossed around with include Egghead, Mad Hatter, King Tut, and the Scarecrow. [Scoops sent in by 'MstrMusky', Allan Whatford, 'bork0015', Bruce Dierbeck, 'Catwoman', 'Red Raider', Christian, Joe Hanna, 'smootmb' and anonymously.]

Sigh. It seems alsolutely everyone is involved with the casting of this new film except ourselves, darhlings. We are being seated at the wrong tables at Spago!

Sandra Bullock may be favored for the Harley Quinn role by Schumacher. [Scoop sent in by 'Bane'.]

"Alec Baldwin is about to sign on as the Gentleman Ghost for a reported $5 million. Jeremy Irons has walked away. WB execs also say that in negotiations to be Scarecrow are Samuel L Jackson, Skeet Ulrich, and Gene Hackman, quite a varied bunch. WB is still unsure as to how they want Scarecrow portrayed. The script is very rough as of now." [Sent anonymously.]

Advance word (rumor) is that the new film may be called 'Batman Triumphant'. [Scoop by Tony Hane.]

"A relative who works for Warner Bros. said that a tight lid is being kept on an existing script for the fifth Batman feature. It's only a fifty page first draft by an undisclosed writer. A friend of his said that the script features The Scarecrow and The Mad Hatter as the main villains and Harley Quinn as a sort of sidekick to The Scarecrow. I thought this was interesting, particularly after reading all of the rumors circulating about Scarecrow and Harley Quinn being in the picture." [Scoop sent in anonymously.]

"According to my friend's uncle, who has connections with Warner Bros., the fifth Batman will feature Scarecrow. Also, they are thinking about putting a computer generated Clayface, (similiar to Jabba The Hutt in Star Wars). Batgirl will probably not appear in the film and it's possible they may bring back the Riddler for a small role." [Scoop sent in by 'Gatekeeper'.]

"I am a former employee of Warner Brothers and recently did some on-location effects for the new Batman and Robin movie. I have heard some of the rumors of the the next Batman movie which will be titled 'Batman the Dark Knight'. The executives are talking about bringing the Mad Hatter as one of the main baddies with perhaps Mel Gibson in that role. Harley Quinn would be played by Julie Roberts and Kenneth Branagh would be Clayface. Of course these actors are not signed, but it is a start. The Howard Stern rumor for Scarecrow is not true. Scarecrow is not even being considered as a character in the next film. They also feel that many families would not bring their kids if Stern is in the film. The premise of the story is the origin of Mad Hatter and his constant obsession to gain the cowl of Batman. Harley Quinn is seeking revenge on Batman for Joker's death (they will tie in the first movie, somehow) and Clayface's origins from playing a popular Hamlet to a horrific oozing monster. All of them have one thing in common, the dynamic duo. Batgirl will not be in the next film. Bruce will have a new girlfriend, the executives are talking about Harley Quinn being the girlfriend - - we'll see." [Scoop sent in by Jason Blackburn.]

Now reports are creeping in that Robin Williams is being considered for the role of Mad Hatter. He would use mind control cards on the current love in Batman's life (who may be Nicole Kidman's Chase Meridian character.) [Scoops provided anonymously.]

April 5, 1997... On Kevin Smith's View Askew webpage, Smith reports that word around the Warner Brothers lot is that the Batman 5 plot revolves around Scarecrow and Arkham Asylum. That strongly suggests that the rumors reported above concerning the Arkham asylum are correct. [Scoop supplied by 'Jubei'.]

May 15, 1997... Now there's a rumor that John Travolta may want a shot at being a Batman baddie. Word is he's also a contender for the Scarecrow gig in the fifth film. [Scoop by 'cookeste' and Christian.]

And this forwarded message was seen on America On-Line:

"Subj: Return Engagement

Date: 97-05-14 17:48:59 EDT

From: Reditor

When I spoke to Joel Schumacher a couple of weeks ago, I suggested the possible return of a specific Batvillain from one of the earlier films. There was a pause on the line and then Joel said, 'You're kind of psychic about these things, aren't you?' (I'd also predicted TwoFace and the Riddler as the baddies in Batman Forever, but then so had Joel godchild.)

"Anyway, I'd like nothing better than to keep it a secret till the interview runs in the July issue of Scarlet Street, but I'm sure it'll all get out before then.

Richard Valley
Scarlet Street

So who's the villain? [Scoop sent in by Brent Lynch.]

May 18, 1997... The villain may be none other than The Joker. This scooper has heard from various reliable (and unreliable, they add) sources that there's an contingincy plan in case the franchise waivers at the box office. If that does happen, the return of the Joker may be forthcoming - but not in time for the fifth movie. [Scoop handed in by 'compukiller'.]

May 24, 1997... During the re-shoots for Batman and Robin, director Joel Schumaker mentions that the fifth film will be "darker" in tone than the fourth. [Scoop by Mark Stewart.]

June 6-17, 1997... Want to know who'll be the Scarecrow? Read on. But first, some Batcontrol...

A rumor started by columnist Liz Smith places Madonna as the leading contender for the role of 'Mrs. Joker'. Mrs. Joker? That's gotta mean Harley Quinn, right?! [Scoops furnished by 'bottoms33', Mark, 'Wildchild', Jeremy, 'Commissioner Gordon', 'Descartes', Tim 'Two-Face' Leighton, and anonymously.]

...but this guy maybe figured it all out: "Remember in the first Batman movie, how the Joker AKA Jack Napier takes mob boss Grisham's girlfriend, Alicia, then fries her face with acid and gives her a white mask when he first meets Vicki Vale at that party? He tells Vicki later that Alicia killed herself, but hey, we never saw the body, did we?" [Sent in by an anonymous Sherlock Holmes.]

Entertainment Tonight informs its readership that the film will be called 'Batman Triumphant'. Note to the fellas at EW: it ain't called anything yet - that name's been floating around the 'net for months. [Sent in by Mark Stewart, 'MrMojo16' and anonymously.]

On Access Hollywood, Chris O'Donnell said that he'd play Robin for the third time only if Joel Schumaker returned as well. [Sent in by Mark Stewart.]

A fellow wrote in to tell us this tale:

"My aunt, who is a lawyer at Warner Bros. tells me that unquestionably the plot will involve Dr. Krane, a psych prof at Gotham U. who is committed for experimenting unethically on students by studying their reactions to their greatrest fears. While in Arkhan, he befriends a spectre that seems to roam the halls at night...the Gentleman Ghost. They organize a breakout, and at this time the other characters being considered are the Mad Hatter. Actors so far being talked about include Jeremy Irons as the Gentleman Ghost, Jeff Golblum as The Scarecrow, and Robin Williams as the Mad Hatter. Also, I have been told by my aunt that an appearance by the Joker would be included as part of a nightmare/hallucination experienced by Batman when confronted by The Scarecrow. As for the title... 'Batman: Dark Knight'. Robin may or may not be in the 5th film This movie will also include the characters Kane and Abel as keepers at the Asylum." Sounds juicy, don't it? [Sent in anonymously.]

In an interview on an Australian current affairs program Joel Schumacher said this about Batman 5: "I think I'll do one more because there's a fantastic villain called The Scarecrow, it's too good a villain to pass by, and then we might surprise the audience with the return of some favourites." Well, that let's the cat out of the bag, eh? [Sent in by 'The Hammer'.]

And last but certainly not least: two reliable sources have told us that there are currently two favored front-runners to play Scarecrow. One's been mentioned before, one hasn't. Jeff Goldblum is the first one, and Kevin Spacey is the second. Whether one of the two will be cast as the next Batman villain anytime soon remains to be seen. [Thanks to Tood Dupler and an unnamed source.]

One of the fellows heard this from his friend who works at a Warner Brothers store. After taping a recent Oprah show, the cast and crew headed off for a store appearance. It was at this appearance that the scooper's friend spoke to Schumacher. He reiterated that the next film would feature Scarecrow and Harley Quinn - and he name dropped Spacey and actress Marisa Tomei as the ones being presently considered. Yes, Spacey is a little short to be playing Dr. Krane, but he's certainly got the menace... [Sent in by Todd Dupler.]

June 29, 1997... This fellow's agent overheard that Schumacher won't be directing the fifth film; instead, word is David Fincher is being courted to jump on-board the franchise. And as we lean forward across the table, we say "Oh, really?" [Rumor sent in by 'MadHttr13'.]

July 1, 1997... Someone who claims to work inside DC Comics told us that they were given the news Friday (6/27) that Schumacher will not return to helm a fifth Batmovie. [Sent in by 'No One at DC'.]

August 4, 1997... In the aftermath of the Batman and Robin feature rumors are flying fast and loose. We're going to try and debunk 'em, so hang on:

August 12, 1997... A cryptic message is sent to us from someone claiming to be very close to the production office of the next Batman film. This person tells us that as of today, August 12th, the actor currently hoped-for to play The Scarecrow is...John Travolta. And today an official offer went out to David Fincher (Seven, The Game) to direct the next film in the franchise. Joel Schumacher will serve as executive producer instead. True or false? [Sent in by the '20-Year-Old Don Simpson'.]

August 12-17, 1997... Reports are coming from scoopers who've heard some radio and television entertainment programs announce that George Clooney has decided to not return to the Batsuit in the fifth film, reportedly due to 'a fear of being typecast'. We haven't heard of any of the major entertainment media outlets picking up on this Clooney it may not be the actual truth. Some of these programs have also reported that John Travolta or David Duchovny will be in the suit next time around...which leads us to believe this is just one of the rumors picked up by the smaller entertainment circles and then starts growing in size. No official announcement has been made and our Sources-In-The-Know tell us they haven't heard anything yet. Stay tuned. [Reported by 'Shadowfax', 'M017', Jerry, 'Stinkor', Kenneth Ley, 'devilbane', 'Syllen', 'obrenes', Michael Kingsley, 'skyl', 'Morpheus' and anonymously.]

August 19, 1997... Garth Franklin, one of the producers of the amazing on-line film site Dark Horizons comments on the speculated Clooney quote. "The first reports came from 'BBC Radio 5' and 'The Daily Star' Newspaper in the UK where some quotes were actually stated:

"Clooney said 'I want to go out with a bang and the Batman and Robin movie can't be topped as far as I'm concerned'.

Also, the article said a WB spokesman announced 'He did a brilliant job and we are sad to lose him'."

Whoa. That sounds pretty official to us. But again, our own WB sources haven't heard this. Who's been sleeping on the job over there?! [Thanks to Garth Franklin. Check out 'Dark Horizon' in our Hot Links section!]

October 21, 1997... With all the rumor and confusion circulating about the next Batman film, we settled back to see what Warner Brothers would have to say. After much speculation, we're happy to report that, although WB hasn't officially confirmed it, many entertainment sources report that a plan exists to release a fifth Batman movie in the summer of 1999. George Clooney would reprise his role as Batman again, but this time sources indicate that there will be only one villain for this go-around (we we here at CA heartily agree with.) In other news, the video release for Batman and Robin is scheduled for this month. [Thanks to our many Bat-sources. You can turn off the Bat-signal now.]

December 17, 1997... Joel Schumacher is not out of the loop as far as possibly directing the fifth Batman film, at least according to Schumacher. In a recent interview with Variety he says that while he doesn't want to do it anytime soon (at least three films from now, with two of those being eight millimeter and Popcorn) the doors aren't closed on him directing it. He also goes on to reverse things saying that he directed Batman and Robin for all the parents who wanted a Batman film they could take their kids to (ahhh, now we get it....NOT.) If he's going to direct a fifth film it'd be more adult oriented, darker and lower budget, something he isn'tsure would go over well with WB executives. He also added that he doesn't want to return to the multiple villian angle, which implies the current thrust of the Protosevich script that features Scarecrow and Harley Quinn may be junked if Schumacher does the fifth film. [Thanks to the many Batties out there in their dark caves...]

January 12, 1998... So Jack Nicholson is in Sydney, Australia promoting his latest flick, As Good As It Gets, today, right? When he's asked what's some of his upcoming film projects, Nicholson only said this:

"The Joker is coming. . .and that's no laughing matter!"

Whether Nicholson was alluding to the rumored Joker cameo in Protosevich's Batman 5 script, a new idea we haven't heard of before, or just pulling our legs, we haven't a clue. But as one of our scooper Down Under told us, "His line was seen on the Channel Nine 6:00 News and 'A Current Affair'. I actually saw him say it and so did half of Australia." [Submitted by 'kickitt', Josh and anonymously.]

January 14, 1998... A slew of scoopers report to us that both the Sunday Times newspaper and Barry Norman, a prominant British film critic on the TV program Film '97 have stated that Clint Eastwood will play an older, retired Caped Crusader in the fifth film, now retitled Batman: Subzero. This, of course, is completely false. Norman even went so far as to say Eastwood would suit up for director Tim Burton. No no no no no...

The rumor started on the Internet months ago, and just now is being picked up by the print media in a modified form. Eastwood has not been cast for any role in a Batman 5. On top of that, whoever started the rumor also confused the animated Batman direct-to-video movie Batman: Subzero as being the next live action feature. Even The Gossip Show on E! television ran this rumor waaay back in September '97 -- and that came from a Swedish newspaper. But it goes to show you -- you can't always trust everything you see or read. [Scoops handed in by Mike Keyes, 'The Bat's Shadow', Mikey, 'Swiss', Craig Colby, 'villain', 'beezer', 'alland', 'Chuckie', anonymous and Steve Carson.]

Meanwhile, another Australian reader has stepped forward to comment on the Nicholson quote. "I was at the aforementioned Jack Nicholson press conference for As Good As It Gets. Jack was basically joking about The Joker returning. Asked about reprising the role he noted that since they╣ve run a 'billion dollar franchise into the ground', they might have to come back to him and pay him an awful lot of money to return. James L. Brooks and Greg Kinnear, also present, laughed hysterically. Added Jack, 'James thinks it╣s funny when I push myself for work.' All up, I don╣t think he was serious about The Joker╣s return." [Scooped by Neil Macaulay.]

May 12, 1998... For the past three weeks rumors have been flying around that Warner Bros. is considering Kurt Russell to star as Batman/Bruce Wayne in the next Batman film. Officially there's been nothing new to report on anything Batman-related at all, and our WB contacts haven't heard any Russell Bat-buzz under the water tower.

Still, the rumor has caught the imagination of the public. With Ain't It Cool and Dark Horizons reporting the rumor weeks ago, it's been picked up and reported by dozens of local entertainment-related radio shows and buzz features and in newspaper gossip columns. But we here at CA have been keeping an eye on the merit of this rumor and it bears a striking similarity to another similar Bat rumor -- one that proved to be false.

Last year the rumor started on the Internet that Warners was considering casting Clint Eastwood as a darker, older Batman in an adapation of Frank Miller's now-classic Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. At the time it sounded silly but we did report it as being nothing more than an unconfirmed report. Unfortunately, we saw that rumor spread into the media, and those same local newspaper and radio gossip columns picked it up and it began to spread. Soon we had emails from dozens of scoopers who had heard it, from all over the world.

Now there's this new Bat rumor about Kurt Russell, and again, there's no digital equivalent of a seismic record that indiciates it has any foundation in reality at this time. Consider this: the rumors about the proposed Batman 5 villains -- The Scarecrow and Harley Quinn -- were picked up by more promenent industry insiders. The Eastwood rumor and now the Russell rumor had/have the feel of fan speculation gone amok.

Our unofficial channels haven't heard anything about Kurt Russell as Batman. We'll try to grab the bull by the horns and give Russell's agent a call soon, just to get some kind of official response. Until then, remain on guard fellow Gothamites! [Sent in by so many GCPD members, we'd have to issue a seperate web page listing them all. So in short: thanks!]

June 23, 1998... We were hoping that the rumor of Kurt Russell donning the Batsuit would eventually reveal itself to be false and die down; unfortunately that's not the case. The Russell rumor has been picked up by radio, newspaper, magazine and television entertainment reports even though no one from Russell or WB's camp has ever confirmed it. Another rumor has Tim Burton pushing hard for Leonardo DiCaprio to play a new Robin.

It's not happening. WB's Batman franchise is in deep cryo for the moment -- even though WB brass should be thinking about putting the franchise on defrost with the latest wave of Bat-speculation proving fan interest in the Dark Knight hasn't died down one iota. Burton's not involved with the franchise (he's currently considering directing a version of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow); Russell's agency refused to speculate on the matter; and DiCaprio is hiding away from the press and considering his next $20 million dollar move (which should raise an automatic flag to you -- how can your sidekick possibly cost you more than your leading man? Answer: IT WON'T HAPPEN!)

Be careful of what you read, hear or see concerning heavily fan-speculated movies. We know: we're the chief rumormongers of the 'Net. [Thanks to hundreds of hopeful Batfans who've been sending in their emails. WB people, wake up and smell the coffee: people want to see another Batman film, this time done right.]

June 28, 1998... Remember how last week we reported that the Russell rumors were false and blown way out of proportion?

Well, we were half right.

One of our sources (who's scooped us solid and accurate information before from under the WB water tower) tells us that Kurt Russell is indeed being considered for the next film as Batman. The same source also acknowledges that the current contender for the role of Scarecrow is Jeff Goldblum.

We've got no reason to doubt the sincerity of this source; however, some aspects of the media (most notably the radio and tabloids) have seized the Russell rumor as fact. It still remains to be seen whether or not Russell is one among many being considered for the Batman role, or if he's the front-runner for it (like Goldblum is for the Scarecrow part.) It's all still up in the air.

We've got some additional Bat-news that can help us sort this big mess out. During interviews promoting his latest film Out of Sight, George Clooney talked with reporters about his thoughts about a new Batman picture. Even though the reporters questions were slightly different each time, Clooney came across that he felt that the last film had doomed the franchise. In some answers he felt that it was partly his responsibility while other times he expressed his regret that the film was simply too campy and did not show the Batman as a troubled and tortured soul. Officially, Clooney is still under contract to return to the Bat-suit, but WB could release him from it.

[Thanks to our anonymous source for the inside tip.]

October 20, 1998... Our good friend, Mr. WB, has returned to share more info out of the WB publicity department. Best be warned, friends: the prognosis doesn't look too good for a Batman film in the near future.

"Things have been a little disconcertingly around here, probably because our major fall tentpole, SOLDIER, is getting lousy word-of-mouth, and because of so many problems we've been having with huge publicity on projects that bombed, no one here is getting the chance to do anything with it.

"Rumors of Batman V have been around here ever since before Batman & Robin came out, and I can give you the first official thing that's come down through the ranks:

"-Batman V is not going to happen. The whole Kurt Russell thing was banking on SOLDIER's success, and so far it's not generating the appeal WB thinks Russell requires if he's going to revitalize the ailing franchise.

"-There is a script for Batman V that's been circulating for a couple of months, and it was sent to George Clooney soon after he announced he'd be leaving ER. Well, Clooney thought it the worst thing he'd ever read, and since then lawyers for the actor have been trying to get him out of his two-picture contract.

"-Since SUPERMAN seems to be regenerating itself (don't count on it, I say), WB is dropping Batman. They're not gonna stop with the animated show, but as for feature films, unless Tim Burton brings himself in here asking for number 5, it's not gonna happen.

"Sorry to burst your cape." least you broke it to us in soft tones. [Scoop sent in by our hero, 'Mr. WB'.]

November 3, 1998... We recently had a clandestine meeting with a spy known only as The Drunken Surgeon. As he woozily wielded his scalpel, he told us that he had spoken with an "inside source" about the status of certain comic book movies. The word about the new Batman film is that it wouldn't foom if you put four million volts through it. He also inquired about the two recent scoops about Kurt Russell and George Clooney, but his source didn't know anything about them. The only Batman project still breathing is the animated series Batman Beyond. [Thanks to The Drunken Surgeon. Hey, put down that cough syrup!]

November 8, 1998... Bob Kane, the man who started it all in 1939 by creating Batman, then later Robin, Catwoman, Joker, Mr. Freeze and The Riddler, passed away Tuesday, November 3 due to natural causes. He was 83. The private funeral was to have been Friday the 6th. [Originally appeared on CNN; reported by Widgett]

December 7, 1998... The latest Entertainment Weekly featured an article about the latest Batman comic book storyline, but they also mentioned that Paul Dini (one of the creators of Batman: The Animated Series) has been approached to write the screenplay for a Batman: Year One film. Judging by the article, it also looks as though Joel Schumacher will be back to direct.

Back in the early summer Harry Knowles said he asked Schumacher if he'll be involved in any forthcoming Batman feature. Schumacher said he'd like to do a Year One-like approach and de-age the current movie incarnation of Batman to a younger, early to mid-twenties crime-fighter. Rumors that started on Aint It Cool News said Dini or fellow B:TAS co-creator Bruce Timm would be writing the next screenplay never turned out to be true.

We don't know if this latest rumor about Dini taking a whack at the screenplay is legit right now. We'll have the answer for you in two weeks when we get to ask him ourselves. ['Fabio2' sent in the scoop.]

January 12, 1999... Rumors first started about Richard Donner being hired to direct Batman 5 in last Friday's edition of the London newspaper Daily Mail. The paper also goes on to say that Donner wants none other than Mel Gibson in the Batsuit this time around, and Jack Nicholson will return to play The Joker, and the picture will shoot in the WB studio on the Gold Coast in Australia. This is apparently because the devalued Australian dollar would make it a hell of a lot of cheaper to film down here. All that and no quotes. And people say the Internet is a bed of lies, jeesh. [Thanks to a million Bat fans who sent is emails still wanting to see the return of the franchise.]

Anyway, while we didn't choose to run the crazy story, a number of Internet sites did pick up on the rumor. We're commenting on it today just so we can tell you what the official Warner Bros. comment on the whole matter is: it's completely false. There. Our work is done. [Thanks to an anonymous source.]

And no, Paul Dini isn't writing Batman 5. Right now he's a bit too busy penning WB's new spinoff from the Dark Knight mythos, Batman Beyond...although it wouldn't be such a bad idea if it were to happen...

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Tuesday, 12-Jan-1999 23:30:13 PST.