Alien Love Triangle

Genre: Science Fiction/Comedy.

Studio: Miramax.
Production Company: Figment Films/Dimension Films.

Project Phase: In the Can.

Who's In It: Kenneth Branagh; Heather Graham; Courtney Cox.
Who's Making It: Danny Boyle, Bill Forsyth (Directors); John Hodge, Bill Forsyth (Screenwriters); Andrew MacDonald, Danny Boyle (Co-Producers).

Premise: This time around, the aliens come to Earth not to conquer, but to learn about the birds and the bees.

Release Date: 1998.

Comments: This will be a movie split into three parts, all of them dealing with the same characters, although not necessarily in the same place or time. Forsyth will take the reins for the first part, the Trainspotting-trio (Boyle, Hodge, and MacDonald -- not to be confused with a law firm) will take the second, and all parties involved will collaborate on the third. Recent movies in this vein (New York Stories, Four Rooms) have been less than successful in the box office, but then again, neither was A Life Less Ordinary. It will be interesting to see how this project, described elsewhere as a "Scottish Fifth Element," pans out.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

[Page draft submitted by 'Widgett'. We're pretty sure he's a he.]

February 3, 1998... Courtney Cox comes on board this project to play the alien of the title. Reportedly, Branagh plays her earthling husband who finds out some bad news and some bad news. The bad news is that his wife is an alien; the other bad news is that his wife is an alien male. Don't you hate it when that happens? [Scoops provided by 'Widgett', 'Josh the Sandman', and ZENtertainment.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Wednesday, 30-Dec-1998 00:27:22 PST.