
Genre: Thriller.

Studio: Disney.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's In It: Unknown.
Who's Making It: John McTiernan (Director); William Wisher (Screenwriter); based upon the Michael Crichton novel Airframe.

Premise: In the aftermath of a near-disasterous flight by a new passenger jet, the aircraft manufacturer appoints an investigator to probe the reasons why the incident occurred. With billions of dollars riding upon her findings, the investigator finds her attempts to uncover the truth blocked at every turn, and her life placed in jeopardy.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: Unknown.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

December 1, 1996... [Additional scoop info supplied by 'Mad Boris'.]

January 28, 1997... Demi Moore may be up for the lead. [Scoop sent in by 'RebelBob'.]

July 27, 1997... At various points, actresses like Geena Davis, Jodie Foster and Demi Moore have been linked to the project for the part of the lead, Casey Singleton. Movieline magazine also offered that the casting director has Matthew McConnaughey in his sights to play the role of pilot Teddy Rawley. [Scoop submitted by Nate.]

January 25, 1998... An anonymous airline passenger tells us that Demi Moore is no longer in consideration for the Casey Singleton role. Instead, new names being tossed around are Candice Bergen, Susan Sarandon, and the name that they've heard the most, Sigourney Weaver. [Sent in by 'Lady Bertha'.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Sunday, 12-Jul-1998 17:26:26 PDT.