The Age of Aquarius

Genre: Drama/Romance.

Studio: Universal Studios/DreamWorks SKG.
Production Company: Alphaville.

Project Phase: In Development?

Who's In It: Harrison Ford; Kristin Scott Thomas; Rade Serbedzija.
Who's Making It: Phil Alden Robinson (Screenwriter, Director); Sean Daniel, Branko Lustig, Phil Alden Robinson (Producers); James Jack (Executive Producer); Allan Starski (Production Designer).

Premise: Yugoslavia has exploded into civil war and anarchy. Amidst the horror of the war an unlikely love affair arises between a relief worker who also smuggles weapons into the country and a Bosnian nurse. But when it's time for the man to leave the war, will the woman choose to remain behind?

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: Phil Alden Robinson's previous works include Sneakers and Field of Dreams.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

July 1, 1997... Shooting begins in February 1998. Ford will receive $20 million for his work. [Page draft created by 'Deadpool'; with additional reporting done by 'st7i9', 'Nicky the Warlock', 'halhal'.]

July 8, 1997... This will be an Alphaville production, co-financed by both DreamWorks SKG and Universal. [Sent in by an anonymous source.]

September 14, 1997... John Williams has been approached to score the movie. [Submitted by 'a friend'.]

September 30, 1997... The threat of terrorism has persuaded the producers to cancel a three-week shoot in Israel. The decision came after a suicide bombing in Jerusalem earlier this month. American producer Branco Lustig was unable to obtain war-risk insurance and was worried about the safety of the cast and crew. The scenes that were to be filmed in Israel will now be shot in Morocco. [Info submitted by 'bickel'.]

Phil Alden Robinson will produce this picture along with Sean Daniel of Alphaville Pictures and Branko Lustig. Lustig won an Oscar for producing Schindler's List along with Steven Spielberg. James Jack, also of Alphaville, will be an executive producer. Allan Starski, who also won an Oscar for Schindler's List, will be the film's production designer. [Sent in by 'st7i9'.]

Actor Rade Serbedzija mentioned in a Stop magazine interview that he will star in this picture. [Submitted anonymously.]

December 2, 1997... Director-screenwriter Robinson is re-writing the script, which leads some in the industry to gossip that the project may be getting a closer second appraisal. Hollywood Reporter mentioned that talk has begun that the $80 million budget for the film is too high, and Ford may be getting cold feet while the production tracks down safe locales for the shoot. Variety followd that up today by reporting the production has shut down due to location problems. [Thanks to 'Deadpool', 'st7i9', anonymous; originally appeared in The Hollywood Reporter and Variety.]

December 7, 1997... Our anonymous source tells us that the production is on a temporary hold while the budget is re-examined. Phil Robinson desperately wants to shoot on location in the country, to show audiences the "real settings." [Thanks to an anonymous source.]

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Last updated: Sunday, 12-Jul-1998 17:26:18 PDT.