Important DiskArella Information Last Updated on 6/97 1. End-User Agreement 2. Description 3. Installation/Uninstalling 4. Trouble Shooting/Techical Support/History 5. Registration/Upgrades 6. Distributing 1. End-User Agreement Israel LeBron and all LeBron II Software products and services are provided "AS IS," and Israel LeBron and LeBron II Software make no expressed or implied representations or warranties to you regarding the usability, conditions, or operation thereof. Israel LeBron or LeBron II Software make no representations or warranties regarding content, and do not warrant the use of this application will be error-free, or that Israel LeBron or LeBron II Software software or services will meet any particular criteria of performance or quality. Israel LeBron and LeBron II Software expressly disclaim all implied warranties and conditions, including without limitation, warranties or conditions or title, compatibility, or accuracy. Your use of all Israel LeBron or LeBron II Software products are at you own risk. You assume full responsibility and risk of loss from all material obtained from Israel LeBron or LeBron II Software. You agree that Israel LeBron and LeBron II Software will not be liable for any damages (Including consequential or special damages) arising out of your using or inability to u se this or any Israel LeBron or LeBron II Software product. 2. Description DiskArella is an inexpensive easy to use utility for 32-bit Windows. It was designed to help the novice and/or experienced user quickly find and remove obsolete files, files that are just gathering dust on your hard drive. DA tools (with brief discription): File Search finds files in a specified location matching the given criteria Duplicate Search returns the duplicates files in the locations specified Statistics provides extended information about a given drive, quick cleaning options available Please read the help file shipped with DA (DA.HLP) for detailed information. 3. Installation/Uninstalling Before you can use DiskArella you must run it's setup program so it will work correctly on your computer. The files shipped with DA are compressed (to save space & download time) and must be unpacked before they can be used. Follow these steps to install: Make sure that no other programs are running Insert diskette #1 into your floppy drive or unzip the archive file (if it was downloaded) From the Taskbar, click on the Start and select the Run option. Enter the location of the setup or use the browse button to locate it. (e.g. C:\Internet Downloads\Setup.exe) Follow the Setup Wizard's intructions If for any reason you need to remove DA from your system follow these steps: Make sure DiskArella is not running, remove any files saved in the DiskArella directory that were not installed by the Setup Wizard. From the Control Panel open the Add/Remove Programs tool Select the Install/Uninstall tab Find DiskArella from the listbox and click on the Add/Remove button 4. Trouble Shooting/Techical Support Technical support can be obtained by contacting the author at: You are also encouraged to send your comments and suggetions. The following is a list of FAQ's (to receive a list of the lastest FAQ's contact the author at the address shown above): Q: When I run the setup wizard I get a message telling me that a component could not be found. A: Installation files are missing, download DA from another sight or contact the author for a list of download locations. (Please notify the vendor, sysop, webmaster, or moderator from which you received the archive) Q: Every time I execute an "All Files" duplicate search only a portion gets scanned. I specify a full drive search but it never scans the entire drive. A: Close all other programs before running the search, this will increase memory. Although windows allocates memory by using a swap file, large "bloated" drives will cause DA to do this. Q: How can I prevent the toolbar from becoming distorted at startup, why does this happen? A: Slower computers will sometimes cause this. Use the Refresh option or press the F5 key to refresh the screen. Also, close any other programs that are not begin used as this will increase memory and speed. Q: Will DiskArella unregister programs from the windows registry? A: DiskArella is not an uninstaller and will not "clean up" the registry. When removing applications, use its uninstaller or the Windows Add/Remove Programs tool to completely remove it. (You can download REGCLEAN from Microsoft's web sight, the name says it all...and it's free!) Q: Is there a version available for Window 3.x? A: Sorry, but at this time WIN95 is the only platform supported. Q: Is it possible to have more than twelve File Type Groups? A: Yes, you will need to edit "Groups.dat" using NotePad. DO NOT use DA's File Types Groups editor after exceeding the limit as it will only store the first twelve (erasing your hard work). Q: When I append the "Quick Clean" instructions to a shortcut command line, Windows tells me that it cannot find the file. A: You can do one of the following 1-Put quotation marks around the path and then enter the DA command (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Da\Da.exe" ?QR,C:\,*.tmp). 2-Type the path in DOS format (e.g. c:\progra~1\da\da.exe ?QR,C:\,*.tmp). Q: Drive Space & Cluster Overhang tool returns incorrect free disk space. A: Hard drives greater the 2 Gig will cause this. The next release includes a routine that checks the OS version and calls the proper library (registered users will receive this upgrade free, should be available soon). DiskArella relies highly on system DLL's (Dynamic Link Libraries), which are located in your Windows System directory. The following files are not shipped with DA but were installed by Windows, ensure that you have the same or higher versions. comdlg32.dll 4.00.950 comctl32.dll 4.00.950 kernel32.dll 4.00.950 gdi32.dll 4.00.950 shell32.dll 4.00.950 user32.dll 4.00.950 version.dll 4.00.950 Need a customized version of DiskArella? Please contact the author at the address show below. History Version 1.00 Released on 4/97; File Search, Duplicate Search, Cluster & Drive Information Version 1.01 Additional features added (Quick Clean, Clean Startup, File Search), eliminated some bugs reported in version 1.00 Version 1.02 Released on 5/97; Added a grid view option, recycle option is now set to work in the backround (removing the titlebar flickering that was caused in prior versions), toolbar has been enhanced. Version 1.10 Released on 6/97; Faster search engine, enhanced grid view, smashed the grid view bug. Next This version will be available sooner than you think! Expect a VERY fast search engine. A routine has been included to check your OS version (needed for drives greater then 2 Gig). Send your ideas to 5. Registration/Upgrades For registration information please read the help file shipped with DiskArella (DA.HLP). Disk Vendors, Shareware Distributors and BBS's may have charged a nominal fee for the distribution of DiskArella (unregistered version). This does not constitute payment for the registration license. Registered users will receive free and/or discounted upgrades, will be notified of any bugs, and will receive patches (if available) at no extra cost. 6. Distributing You are encouraged to pass a copy of this shareware version along to your friends for evaluation. If you do so, you must provide them with the archive file (you cannot just copy the exectable to a disk). If you would like to become a distributer of the registered/shareware version of DiskArella, please contact the author at (include your contract and/or proposal as an attachement if you are requesting distribution permission for the registered version). "Thanks for taking the time to read the DiskArella documentation and for supporting the shareware concept (give yourself a pat on the back)." - Israel LeBron