ÛÛÛÛÛÛ» ÛÛÛÛÛ» ÛÛÛÛÛÛ» ÛÛÉÍÍÛÛ» ÛÛÉÍÍÛÛ» ÛÛÉÍÍÛÛ» RAR - What's new in the latest version ÛÛÛÛÛÛɼ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛº ÛÛÛÛÛÛɼ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ÛÛÉÍÍÛÛ» ÛÛÉÍÍÛÛº ÛÛÉÍÍÛÛ» ÛÛº ÛÛº ÛÛº ÛÛº ÛÛº ÛÛº Èͼ Èͼ Èͼ Èͼ Èͼ Èͼ Version 2.01 1. Switch -ac - clear Archive attribute after compressing. 2. Switch -ao - add files with Archive attribute set. 3. Solid groups: a) switch -se - reset Solid statistics, if file extension is changed; b) switch -s - reset Solid statistics after N files; These switches usually decrease compression ratio, but also decrease losses from archive damages. 4. If no files are processed during archiving or deleting, archive time is not changed. 5. Configuration parameter "RepackRatio " is added to RCVT.CFG. It allows to specify lowest acceptable compression ratio of the repacked archive. 6. Switches -v360f, -v720f, -v1200f, -v1440f and -v2880f can be used to select volume size correspondingly with appropriate floppy disk format. 7. RAR, by default, deletes files with CRC errors after extraction. The switch -kb specifies that files with CRC errors should not be deleted. 8. The switch "-r0 - recurse subdirectories for wildcard names only" has been added. In many cases this speeds up list files processing. 9. The way of reading ZIP archives is changed to provide more compatibility with different ZIP packers.