This Software is Shareware... Please test it then Email me with your comments. If you use it then I ask you to send me UK Sterling £10, or US$ 20. If you don't then just wait until judgement day... Registered users will qualify for any upgrades which may be issued from time to time, though it all seems funky dudo to me. (If it's not, I'm in for a real hard time from some of my clients next time they try to log on...) Email: Files: encrypt.exe 16 bit OLE server encrypt.dll 32 bit ole server Unzip files to any directory. For 16 bit just run the .exe program, it will self register and give you an opportunity to play! for 32 bit register through Tools|References menu option from within VB, or however in your usual Programming IDE. If Two references appear then take care to choose the appropriate one - .exe for 16 bit or .dll for 32 bit. If you're not using VB then you will need the VB4 runtime files... they can be found most large ftp sites. Class has two methods: SetPassword(ToDo as string, ByVal Result as String) ToDo is the string you wish to encrypt. Note that Should contain only letters or numbers, no special characters. It will throw out any string which it considers unsuitable for the encryption techniques used, giving an error message and returning an empty string into Result. Result is the resulting encrypted string. Note that a reference to a string must be passed. See sample below CheckPassword(ToCheck as string, ByRef DeCoded as string) ToCheck is the encrypted password from a previously encrypted string. The resulting de-encrypted password is put into DeCoded. Example: sub TestEncrypt() dim Pwd as clsdddencrypt dim InStr$, Result$ set Pwd = New clsdddencrypt while result <> "" InStr = inputbox("Enter New Password") pwd.SetPassword Instr, result wend set pwd = Nothing ....Store in relevant place end sub Sub TestDecrypt() dim Pwd as clsdddencrypt dim ToCheck$, Result$ set Pwd = New clsdddencrypt ... get password list from storage do while true Tocheck = InputBox("Enter Password") pwd.CheckPassword ToCheck, Result if StrComp(Result, Tocheck) = 0 then set pwd = Nothing Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Try Again" End If Loop End sub