ABOUT: INTERNET CONNECTIONS is a program designed to take advantage of the fact that all users on a LOCAL AREA NETWORK will not all need internet access at the same time. The administrator of this network could purchase for example 5 dial up internet accounts from an Internet service provider (ISP) and share internet access throughout the company with the 5 accounts being distributed on a first come first serve basis. Similar to the way you now share you're outside phone lines for outside calls on your phone system. The user has only two buttons to operate so user problems are NILLED. The user also has no knowledge of passwords to these accounts so company remains in control of accounts. Dial up connections can be made through local Modems on the client PC or through 3rd party Modem pooling software or mix of both. INSTALLATION: 1. To install Internet connections, Make a shared network directory called INET, allow READ WRITE access to the directory for all users that should have access to the Internet. 2. Move the distribution file to this directory and execute, this will extract necessary files and directories. 3. At the client machine execute SetupMFC40.exe located in the shared directory to install MFC40.dll required for INTERNET CONNECTIONS operation. 4. Create a shortcut on the desktop of the client machine to Connections.exe located on the shared directory. 5. Execute the file by clicking the new shortcut. Create database by Right Double-clicking on the background of the dialog box. The default password is [ENTER]. Set up your Internet account information. (See database administration for more info) 6. On the client machine build a connectoid through dialup networking under MyComputer Located on the desktop with the same name as entered in the database for that account all configurations will be used except Password, username, domain, phone number, these will be dynamically inserted at runtime by INTERNET CONNECTIONS software. DATABASE ADMINISTRATION: Right Double-click on background of dialog box of INTERNET CONNECTION'S or between the hang-up and connect buttons to enter password protected database, press [ENTER]. You now have access to administration functions. 1. Select an account to edit by clicking on it in the listbox at the right. 2. [Active account] checkbox toggles the account in and out of service if this box is not checked it is no longer usable by others, it will not terminate an active session only prevent future access to that account. 3. [Call detail reporting] toggles the detail log recording function. This will generate a one-line detail of information about each use of this account to a file named in call detail filename. INTERNET CONNECTIONS will track information about each Internet connection like client users name, date, time, duration, cost, account name, error reporting. The reporting is in a fixed field format and comma delimited for easy import to spreadsheets. 4. (Per/min Cost) is used to calculate the total cost of each call in detail reporting if you want to resell access to users or track company costs. 5. (Account Name) can be any name this will show up in live view listbox window and call detail reports, we suggest numbering the accounts for easy identification. Example SuperNet-01. 6. (Phone number) ISP provider's modem number. If you use an access code to get an outside line this should be put in the predial box located in the setup menu at each client machine and not here. 7. (Username) is the account username provided by your Internet service provider ISP. 8. (Password) is the account Password provided by your Internet service provider ISP. 9. (Domain name) if required if not leave it blank. 10. (Connectoid Name) this is the name of a shell connectoid that you must create on each client machine. The name of the connectoid must be an exact match. When building the connectoid the only entries that need to be configured are modem information. 11. [Account Used by ] is a flag for INTERNET CONNECTIONS; it will be in a checked state if there is a user actively using this account. This flag is maintained by INTERNET CONNECTIONS and should not be normally changed, if you suspect that an account shows that it is being used by "User" and that user is not connected you can clear this flag to free account to be used by others. 12. {Account Status Live view} window allows real time viewing of all account usage. This also allows you to select which account to edit by clicking the account. 13. [Save] Always press save after every database change, exiting will not save changes. 14. [Undo] restores previous information if pressed prior to save. 15. [Password] password protection for access to this administration dialogbox. SETUP CLIENT: 1. The client machine MUST have MFC40.dll installed in the windows\system\ directory setupMFC40.exe will do just that, just execute the file from the client machine to install. 2. Copy a shortcut on the users desktop by rightclick and hold Connections.exe located on the shared directory INET drag and drop on the desktop and select create shortcut from the menu. 3. To access user settings click on the icon at the upper left side and click setup. User settings are stored on the client machine and can be unique to each user, this allows customization and the ability to use modem pool and local modem combinations on a per/user basis. (See predial and post dial number) 4. (Predial Number) the number in this field is inserted in front of the phone number to the ISP entered in the administration database this will be used for access codes for an outside line like 9, or 80, etc. or to disable call waiting *70, ect. This entry is unique to the machine installed at. The advantage of this setting being unique to the user's machine is that you may use a network modem pool or local client modem to connect with or mix them up in any combination. 5. (Post dial number) this number is inserted after the number in the administration database and can be used for long-distance account codes. 6. (Execute these programs after connect) the program will execute these programs after the connection is established. Enter drive and path information for programs like Netscape navigator or explorer or email programs or news programs. 7. [Alert] toggles audible alert when an Internet connection is established tada.wav must be installed in the windows\media directory. 8. [Hang Up] will terminate the current dialup session and create the detail record on the shared directory. The session can also be terminated by the icon located in the system tray. TECHNICAL SUPPORT: EMAIL blaroche@win.org PHONE 314-397-8122 Thanks for your support, and hopefully this will become full time employment so I will have more time to upgrade this project and create others. I thank my wife and children's patience for making INTERNET CONNECTION'S possible. PRICING: The version on the Internet is FREE this can be identified by the information at the bottom of the dialer "FULLY FUNCTIONAL SINGLE ACCOUNT VERSION", this version has the ability to access the FIRST INTERNET ACCOUNT ONLY. All versions are unlimited site license for the company that purchases it. Site license is defined as all network users with an identical network address.