HTML 3.2 Reference

HTML Formatting Tags

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Paragraph <P></P>
Displays text at normal size.

Line Break <BR>
Moves cursor to the next line.

Headings <H1></H1>
There are six headings, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6. H1 is the largest of the Headings and H6 is smallest.

Bold <B></B>
Text between the tags appears in bold.

Italic <I></I>
Text between the tags appears in italics.

Underline <U></U>
Text between the tags appears underlined.

Text between the tags will blink.

Emphasis <EM></EM>
Text between the tags will appear with emphasis.

Strong Emphasis <STRONG></STRONG>
Text between the tags will appear with stronger emphasis.

Preformatted Text <PRE></PRE>
Allows ASCII text to retain its formatting.

Typewriter Text <TT></TT>
Text between the tags will look like typewriter text.

Code <CODE></CODE>
Text between the tags will appear as a code sample.

Citation <CITE></CITE>
Text between the tags will appear as the source for a citation.

Will indent the block of code and fully justify.

Subscript <SUB></SUB>
Text between the tags will appear as a subscript.

Superscript <SUP></SUP>
Text between the tags will appear as a superscript.

Big <BIG></BIG>
Text between the tags will appear one font size larger than the text before the tag.

Text between the tags will appear one font size smaller than the text before the tag.

Font <FONT></FONT>
Size <FONT Size=5></FONT>
Specifies point size of the Font. Can be a point size or a relative size, such as +1 or -1.

Face <FONT Face=100%></FONT>
Specifies the name of the font to use. If the font is not installed on the viewer's system, a substitute will be used.

Color <HR Color=#FF00></HR>
Specifies the color of the font. Colors can be a named constant or a hex value. You can use FreeEdit's Color Dialog to help insert colors with ease.

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