freesoftCD105 - Apptivity Developer 1.0.4

Apptivity Developer 1.0.4

Apptivity Developer is a visual Java application development tool for building sophisticated and flexible client/server database applets and applications. Apptivity Developer generates Java code as you use visual tools and property settings to link to data sources and create forms. Using Apptivity Developer, you can build database applications that connect across all SQL and RDBMS technologies.

freesoftCD106 - Encrypt/Decrypt VB Code

Encrypt/Decrypt VB Code

This zipfile contains a sample vb application which demonstrates the use of the xcrypt.dll Xcrypt.dll is a windows library which gives vb4.0 (32Bit only) the ability to do a unix like crypt. The code for this library is taken from libc5-5.4.20 which is published under the gnu public license. Copy the file xcrypt.dll to your windows system directory.