Some tips to help you promote your site

There are more than 320 million web sites out there. You need to actively promote your web site to be noticed

The best place to start promoting your site is to submit your web's address (URL) to search engines. Nine out of ten users will find your site through search engines. There are more than 1500 search engines out there but get your site listed at least on the top ten search engines, like Alta Vista, Yahoo, Excite, Infoseek, Lycos. The more the merrier as even the most popular search engines only has a fraction of the 320 million plus listed. You also need to submit your URL every four months or so. You can use an URL publish or web promotion service like
Edit your META tags to include appropriate keywords and a description of your site. Most search engines use this to catalog your site.
Place your URL in your signature file of your e-mail program.
Post to relevant newsgroups. You can use
Use a banner exchange service like
Swap links with like-minded sites.
and last but not least... Make a note of the date and the action you have taken to promote your site and monitor it to see its effectiveness.