AWS Known bugs

As of 0.95, it is believe that all known bugs have been fixed. The list of dead bugs for various versions is below.

  1. Header confusion - I missed one obscure case in 0.94.
  2. Dates were generated in RFC850 format.

The 0.93 bugs fixed in 0.94:

  1. Header confusion - some headers appeared twice, some never appeared.
  2. An enforcer hit on disconnects was fixed.
  3. Handling file file names and types corrected.

The 0.92 bugs fixed in 0.93:

  1. Someone disconnecting on a long file being sent via the type command.
  2. A null request apparently generated by someone disconnecting leads to byte reads from location 0.
  3. directory: A map to an assign (i.e. html:) is not handled correctly.

Mike Meyer