The Omnivore

A daily news and information service

n.b. If you make a jump from one of the Omnivore's menus and you end up here instead of where you wanted to go, reload the file, letting it load completely.

About the Omnivore
Omnivorous: "Taking in everything, as with the mind."
                          -- Random House College Dictionary

The Omnivore is a comprehensive daily news service designed to quickly and concisely deliver coverage of events around the world as they happpen. In-depth followups are generally available through the Omnivore's menu system.

The Omnivore is free of charge and not affiliated with any commercial product or service.

The purpose of the Omnivore is to provide accessible and thorough end-user news.

In addition, The Omnivore seeks to fulfill the need for truly global coverage, placing access to traditionally under-reported or ignored regions side by side with more heavily reported regions. Beyond providing side-by-side access, no attempt at balance is sought, as the only way to implement it would be at the expense of "omnivorousness."

Stories come unadulterated from numerous sources and many points of view. Often, sources may appear to contradict on another. Some -- perhaps most -- could be construed as propaganda. The position of the Omnivore is that multiple perspectives make it possible to glean news from "biased" sources and to recognize the biases in the conventional "news" sources. The goal is to make accessible all news sources that it encounters. Readers noticing gaps in the coverage are encouraged to provide the editor with URL's that will close them. The Omnivore is not associated with, nor does it determine or influence the writing of, the headlines, stories, or background information that it gathers.

The organization of the Omnivore adheres to the following principles, in order of application:

Direct links to news that best meets all of these criteria can be found in "QuickNews". Scan the headlines then read the stories you find most important. Follow up leads in the other menus. QuickNews will keep you up to date. Other menus will give depth and background.

The Omnivore home page can be found at the URL, which is where you are now. It is recommended that any pointers be set to this address rather than submenus because the site is still under development. Submenus currently have a tendency to appear and disappear on a day-to-day basis.

The Omnivore is developed, written, and maintained by Rich Rath, who can be contacted at the following addresses:

The Omnivore site resides within the University of Kansas' Carrie, an electronic full-text library. Server space for the Omnivore is provided by HNSource, the Central Information Server for Historians, which can be reached, along with Carrie, at the URLs:

The documents specifically comprising the Omnivore server are copyright Richard C. Rath 1994, 1995. All rights reserved. The author requests that the files not be downloaded without first notifying and obtaining permission from him. The author hereby grants permission for the Omnivore home page URL to be pointed to by any non-commercial user under the condition that said user neither charges a fee nor requires any other compensation for so doing.
Richard C. Rath
January 15, 1995

QuickNews -- up-to-date & all in one place


Global and Regional News

Economics, Development, and Finance

  • Entertainment, Sports, and Culture

  • Magazines and Journals

  • Other News Services and Resources

  • New links: not all are tested

  • Links that are installed immediately are located in the relevant menu and 
    are marked '!!!NEW:' or 'NEW!!!:' This section is more for testing.

  • News search
  • Search engines for news headlines

    end of first level menus second level starts here

  • Global Perspectives

  • African News

  • News From the Americas

  • News from Asia--East and South
  •      If You don't find the region you are looking for, or want more,
         try the usenet soc.culture. hierarchy (it may be slow):

  • News From Europe and Northwestern Asia

  • Northern Africa and Central Asia

  • Australia and the Pacific Islands

  • end of second level 3rd level starts here

  • Other Connections to Afican-related News Sources

  • United States

  • US local papers by state

  • US Government Information Resources

  • Canada

  • Latin American News

  • Caribbean News

  • African-America/African Diaspora News

  • Indigenous American News

  • end level 3 level 4 starts here

  • Chipas news, information, and discussion"