Internal file formats

The file format is subject to change at any time.

The current format for the main file is:

TSMorph 1.2

where TSMorph 1.2 is a header record (not present in the previous version of TSMorph, old formats can still be loaded producing a warning message), a is the width, b the height, c the number of frames, d is 0 for Morph, 1 for Warp, 2 for Anim Morph and 3 for Anim Warp, e is the start frame number, n,m are coordinates on the first image, o,p on the second image, and i and j are the number of the points to join (starting from 0).

For animated Warps and Morphs the main file contains no points. Each frame has a set of points held in a file named with .nnn after the main file name, where nnn is the frame number. This file has a header of TSMorph 2.0 and then has the Points details.