

Ordering products

There are two ways to build up an order. Each of these methods will add your selections to an order form (which may be viewed at any time by clicking on the "Enter Order" button at the foot of the screen).You will have the opportunity to review the order before placing it, deleting any lines you wish, adding extra products, saving the order to your hard disk for later completion or loading earlier orders for review or completion.

Finding a product to order it

Once you have found a product you wish to order using the product browse or any of the search methods (more about those later) and have displayed the product detail screen for the desired product or product range, ordering is as simple as selecting the desired product on the coloured two tone price block by clicking anywhere on the line with the order code, description and price details, then clicking the "Add to order" button.

This will pop up a small window asking how many of the selected item you wish to order. Type the required quantity and click on the "OK" button (dont use enter or return).You will be informed of the total (ex VAT) cost of your selection and that the required items have been added to your order. Click "OK" to return to the detail screen.

Ordering products from a known list of order codes

If you already know the details of the products you wish to order, you may go directly to the "Enter Order" screen (use button at foot of screen). Click the "Add to order" button and you will be prompted to enter the full order code for the desired product. If the code entered is a valid one, you will then be prompted for the quantity desired (including the name of the product for confirmation of correct code entry). Once the quantity has been entered, you will be informed of the selection cost (ex VAT) and the line will be added to your order if you click the "OK" button. Press "Cancel" if you do not wish to add the selection to your order.

Please note that the full total including VAT and carriage is available at the bottom right of the "Modify Order Details" screen at any time during the building up of your order.

Editing your order

Once an order has been entered, you may delete unwanted lines by clicking on the line in question on the "Modify Order Details" screen (under the "Enter Order" button) and pressing "Delete Item".

Extra items may be added as above, using the "Add to order" button.

A unique order number may be added at the top of the screen and the order may be saved to disk if required by clicking on the "Save Order" button.

Having previously saved an order, it is possible to delete it permanently if required, from the "My Orders" screen. Simply highlight the order you wish to delete and click on the "Delete Order" button.

Placing your order

Before you place your order, please ensure that you have filled in all of the details on the "My Details" screen (use the button at the foot of the screen to get there). These will be added to your order when it is printed.

Pressing the "Print Order" button will take you to a standard print screen, allowing selection of printer and so on. If you wish to post or manually fax your order to us, check that all details are complete, print the order and post it to us at the Freepost address shown, or fax it on 0870 264 6001.

Those of you with a Fax / Modem card fitted to your computer may send the order direct. Windows 95 users should ensure that they have Microsoft Fax or other fax software installed and set up (It is on the Windows 95 CD, use control panel, add/remove programs, Windows setup tab, check Microsoft Fax box, click OK).

Once Microsoft Fax is set up, pressing the "Print Order" button on the "Modify Order Details" screen will allow you to select Microsoft Fax as your printer (click the arrow to the right of your printer name and select Microsoft Fax from the pop up list). Press OK to commence sending the fax.

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