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Release 2.77 Release Notes

This driver is Release 2.77 of the NVIDIA Reference Driver.
This release of the display driver is to be used with boards
based on the RIVA128 and RIVA 128ZX chips. This release
includes drivers for both WinNT4.0 and Win95/98 in either an
AGP or PCI configuration. This Reference Driver is supplied
to board manufacturers for their use in developing fully
supported drivers customized for their specific board
configuration. While we expect this driver to operate
correctly on RIVA based boards, we are not able to provide
full product support for other manufacturers products. It is
recommended that end users install the drivers supplied from
their board manufacturer to receive full product support.

This release includes support for DirectX 6.0 (DX6), multi-
monitor configurations, and AMD CPUs with 3DNow!.

If you were using a Win95 driver from a board manufacturer
that also provided a Control Panel applet, (like Diamond's
InControl Tools, STB's Vision, etc.) that applet will not
work correctly with the NVIDIA Reference Driver and can
cause system problems. It should be removed before these
new drivers are installed. (See Installing from non-NVIDIA
drivers, below.)

System Requirements to use the NVIDIA Reference Drivers

Win95 System requirements:
- OSR2 for full AGP functionality (which includes Microsoft's
- Microsoft's OPENGL32.DLL
- Microsoft's Dx5 or greater
- 2MB disk space

Win98 System requirements
- Microsoft's Dx5 or greater
- 2MB disk space

WinNT System requirements:
- Service Pack 3
- 2MB disk space

Downloading the NVIDIA Reference Drivers:

To download the Release 2.77 Reference Drivers begin by
clicking on the correct driver version for your system.

select WIN9xPCI.ZIP to install drivers on Win95 PCI systems
select WIN95AGP.ZIP to install drivers on Win95 AGP systems

select WIN98ALL.ZIP to install drivers on Win98 AGP or PCI
select NT40R128.ZIP to install drivers on WinNT systems

This will download the compressed driver to your system.
Save it in a temporary directory on your system disk.

example: c:\RIVA128

The following sections will help you install our latest
Win95/98 or WinNT display drivers which include the

OpenGL ICD driver.

Win95 Installation Information:

Before installing the new drivers it is recommended
that you have a copy of your current drivers, usually
supplied with your board.

If not previously installed, you will need to install
these on your system first:

1. OSR2 or later for AGP systems (usually pre-installed
  on AGP systems).  
2. Install Dx5 or greater. This is contained in your

  board vendors drivers, on the Microsoft web site, or
  on a recent DirectX application. It is recommended
  you install the latest Service Pack from Microsoft.
  You can obtain this by browsing for "Support Drivers,
  Patches and Service Packs" \ "Windows 95 Updates"  from:

3. If you have OSR2 or later installed on your system
  you should already have Microsoft's OPENGL32.DLL
  installed on your system. If you do not already have
  a version of OPENGL32.DLL in your Windows\System, or
  you have another    vendor specific OPENGL32.DLL file
  installed, you need to install Microsoft's OPENGL32.DLL.
  You can obtain this file and other required files from:

When you are ready:

4. Unzip WIN95xxx.ZIP to an empty folder (such as
5. Close all programs
6. Install the driver using the Display Properties

     dialog box:
     Click Start, then Settings, then Control Panel.
     Start the "Display" applet program.
     Select the "Settings" tab
     Push the "Change Display Type" button (or the

        "Advanced Properties" button).
     Push the "Change" button in the "Adapter Type"

     The "Select Device" dialog box will appear, push

        the "Have Disk" button.
     Specify the path to the new unzipped driver by
        pressing "Browse.".
     After selecting the correct path press "OK".
     Click "OK."
Click "Next."
Click "Finish."
     Close down the open windows.

7. After successfully installing the reference drivers,
  you will need to restart the operating system for the
  new drivers to take effect.

Windows 98 Installation Information

1.Unzip WIN9xxxx.ZIP to an empty folder (such as
2. Close all programs
3. Install the driver using the Display Properties
dialog box:
  Click Start, then Settings, then Control Panel.
  Start the "Display" applet program.
  Select the "Settings" tab.
  Push the "Advanced Properties" button.
  Select the "Adapter" tab.
  Push the "Change" button.
  Push the "Next" button.
  Select the radio button labeled "Display a list of

all the drivers in a specific location."
  Push the "Have Disk" button and specify the location
     where you unzipped the files.  The system should

     find a .inf file in the location you specify.  
  Press "OK".
  Click "OK."
  Click "Next."
  Click "Finish."
  Close down the open windows.
7. After successfully installing the reference drivers,
  you will need to restart the operating system
  for the new drivers to take effect.

WinNT Installation Information:

Before installing the new drivers it is recommended
that you have a copy of your current drivers, usually
supplied with your board.

If not previously installed, you will need to install
this on your system first:

1. Install Microsoft's Service Pack 3 for Windows
NT 4.0 on your system. You can obtain this by browsing
for "Support Drivers, Patches and Service Packs" \
"Windows NT Service Packs"  from:

When you are ready:
2. Unzip NT.ZIP to an empty folder.
3. Close all programs
4. Choose NT's Start\Settings\Control Panel\Display\
     Settings\Display Type\Change\Have Disk\Browse.
5. Locate the folder with the unzipped reference

drivers...Display should list NVidia RIVA 128
     Release 2.77
6. After NT successfully installs the reference drivers,
  you will need to restart the operating system for
  the new drivers to take effect.

Installing from non-NVIDIA drivers:

If you are installing the NVIDIA Reference Drivers and
presently have non-NVIDIA supplied drivers installed,

it is recommended that you uninstall your existing
driver's Control Panel tools before installing the
NVIDIA Reference Drivers. Our driver does not include
the hooks in it to support the tools provided by other
board manufacturers. As a result, their tools will not
operate correctly with the NVIDIA Reference Drivers and
could cause system problems if you try to use them with
our drivers. The best way to uninstall drivers is to use
an uninstall utility provided by your board manufacturer.
Please contact them for information on how to uninstall
their tools.

Uninstalling NVIDIA drivers:

If you have a need to do this, first start by uninstalling
Control Freak. To do this use the Add/Remove Programs
dialog box:

  Click Start, then Settings, then Control Panel.
  Start the "Add/Remove Programs" applet program.
  Select Control Freak, and click "Add/Remove".
  You will now be able to re-install your original driver
     on the system.

General information for all users.

About OpenGL:
The NVIDIA Reference Driver Release 2.77 includes our
latest version of the OpenGL ICD for RIVA 128 and

RIVA 128ZX. This OpenGL ICD is now available for both
Windows 95 and Windows NT.  It accelerates rendering of
OpenGL applications when:

 - Display is set to 16-bits per pixel
 - Enough video memory exists to support the OpenGL

       resolution requested
 - Microsoft's OPENGL32.DLL is correctly installed

Several pre-release versions of the OpenGL ICD have
previously been made available through the Internet.
This version should be much more stable, and should
perform better in almost all cases.

Microsoft's OpenGL will auto-detect that the RIVA
products have hardware-accelerated OpenGL available,
and use that whenever possible.  If OpenGL applications
complain about missing required DLL's, or if you are
seeing unusual OpenGL behavior, then it is likely that
either you are missing OPENGL32.DLL, or that an
application shipped with a version of OPENGL32.DLL that
is not compatible with the RIVA OpenGL ICD.  You should
look in the application's directory for a file called
OPENGL32.DLL, and rename it. The application will then
use the OPENGL32.DLL from the Windows\System or
WinNT\System32 directory. You also can obtain the correct
OPENGL32.DLL is by re-installing it from the WindowsNT CD.

About Control Freak:

Also included in the NVIDIA Reference Drivers is our
Control Panel applet, Control Freak. This applet adds a
RIVA tab to the Display Properties Dialog box. There are
several useful controls and setting information here. To
learn what each setting can do, just right click on the
setting to get an information box.

Additional information:

The files included with the Release 2.77 Reference

PCI files

AGP files:

NT 4.0 files:

Modes supported in Release 2.77

These are the Win95 and WinNT modes now supported by
the drivers in Release 2.0:

Resolution  Bit Depth   Refresh Rates

320x200     8,16,32     70,72,75,85,100,120     (DDraw only)
320x240     8,16,32     60,70,72,75,85,100,120  (DDraw only)
400x300     8,16,32     60,70,72,75,85,100,120  (DDraw only)
480x360     8,16,32     60,70,72,75,85,100,120  (DDraw only)
512x384     8,16,32     60,70,72,75,85,100,120  (DDraw only)
640x400     8,16,32     70,72,75,85,100,120     (DDraw only)
640x480     8,16,32     60,70,72,75,85,100,120
800x600     8,16,32     60,70,72,75,85,100,120
960x720     8,16,32     60,70,72,75,85,100,120  (DDraw only)
1024x768    8,16,32     60,70,72,75,85,100,120
1152x864    8,16,32     60,70,72,75,85,100,120
1280x1024   8,16,32*    60,70,72,75,85,100,120
1600x1200   8,16,32*    60,70,72,75,85
1920x1080   8,16*       60,70,72,75,85
1920x1200   8,16*       60,70,72,75
1880x1440   8,16*       60

* requires 8MB graphics buffer