OCEAN MODELING ON THE CONNECTION MACHINE Global climate modeling is one of the Grand Challenges of computational sci- ence. The dynamics of the oceans greatly influence the global climate sys- tem because the ocean and atmosphere are strongly coupled by fluxes of mois- ture, energy, and momentum. The atmosphere is conditioned by the ocean on all time scales ranging through daily, seasonal, and climatological periods. The ocean is, in turn, conditioned by the atmosphere, but its response time is much longer, and this inertia tends to smooth out high-frequency fluctuations in the atmosphere. Oceanic general cir- culation models are, therefore, essential components of numerical models designed to address issues associated with long-term global climate change. Modeling ocean dynamics is less com- plicated physically but more demand- ing computationally than modeling atmospheric dynamics. Longer integra- tions at finer resolution are required because of the much broader range of temporal and spatial scales that encom- pass the relevant dynamics in the ocean. The next generation of mas- sively parallel machines will provide the computational resources needed for long simulations of oceanic circulation at high resolution. In order to take advantage of this emerging computer power, we have implemented a global ocean model on the CM as part of the DOE CHAMMP program. The model solves the 3D primitive equations for stratified fluid flow with realistic coastal and ocean-bottom topography. The code was rewritten for the CM based on the Cray version of the Semtner-Chervin ocean model, and the data structure was reorganized for greater computational efficiency on the parallel architecture. The performance of the CM code is about the same as that of the Cray code, which is highly vectorized and parallelized to run on multiprocessor Crays. Some of the algorithms in the Cray code, particularly the barotropic streamfunction solver, did not parallel- ize well on the CM, and we have devel- oped more efficient algorithms which are appropriate for the parallel architec- ture. In particular, we have imple- mented a new numerical formulation of the barotropic equations, which involves the surface-pressure field rather than the streamfunction. This method is more efficient for both paral- lel and vector computers. It has the advantage of being able to include any number of islands in the coastal topog- raphy at no extra computational cost; and it uses a numerical algorithm, which is much more stable than the original method in the presence of steep and rapidly varying bottom topography. In addition, we have developed a new parallel precondition- ing method, based on the idea of a local symmetric approximate-inverse opera- tor, which is used in a conjugate gradi- ent algorithm for the solution of the barotropic equations. This precondi- tioner is very effective in accelerating convergence to a solution. The combi- nation of these techniques substantially improves the performance of the code. On a half-degree by half-degree grid with 20 vertical levels, the surface-pres- sure version of the barotropic solver with 80 islands is about four times faster than that of the streamfunction solver with three islands, and the full code runs more than twice as fast. This new implementation of the ocean model provides an efficient tool for glo- bal ocean modeling on parallel machines that support Fortran 90. Fur- thermore, the new surface-pressure for- mulation of the model should improve performance on any parallel or vector supercomputer, while allowing for more detailed coastal and bottom topography in the computational grid. With this model we intend to perform decade-long simulations by develop- ing full-scale production capabilities on the CM-200 and by running problems at modestly high resolution (1/2o to 1/ 3o). Then, when the next-generation CM-5 becomes available, we will carry out higher resolution calculations (1/4o and higher) in order to study scientific issues such as the global thermohaline circulation and the resolution depen- dence of physical parameterizations. Eventually, the model will be coupled to a massively parallel atmospheric GCM to investigate issues associated with ocean-atmosphere coupling. Barotropic currents and sea-surface temperature after a 4-year simulation on a 1/2 deg. x 1/2 deg. grid with 20 depth lev- els. This calculation includes surface forcing with climatological annually averaged wind-stress fields, and inte- rior forcing toward observed tempera- ture and salinity. The movie sequence shows the magnitude of the vertically integrated velocity field, where red indicates stronger currents, blue weaker currents. Western boundary currents in the North Atlantic and North Pacific corre- spond to the Gulf Stream and the Kuroshio Current off the coast of Japan. Note the strong, wind-driven Antarctic Circumpolar Current; its detailed course and dynamics are largely determined by the bottom topography. Acknowledgement: Rick Smith, LANL, T-3