HIGH RESOLUTION SIMULATIONS OF TUR- BULENT FLOWS Turbulence, "the last great unsolved problem of classical physics" (Feyn- man), has been under extensive investi- gation for over 100 years since Reynolds studied the transition from laminar to turbulent flows in 1893. The major difficulties that arise in the statis- tical theory of turbulence are caused by the strongly dissipative character of the dynamical system and the nonlinearity of the equation of motion. During the last two decades, direct numerical sim- ulation has played an important role in our understanding of structures and statistical properties of turbulent fluid flows. The main limitation encountered in previous simulations has been the restricted computational memory and computational speed, dictating limited spatial resolution. The large memory and high computational speed on the CM-200 allows, for the first time, the implementation of turbulent simula- tions on a spatial grid of 5123. Taylor microscopic Reynolds numbers can be resolved. Using this new computational power, the built-in parallel computational method, and the accompanying 3D visualization capability, we have stud- ied spatial structures and statistical properties of isotropic turbulence. The computational speed of the present code on the CM-200 is about three times faster than that of the CRAY-2 simulations using four processors. In other studies, we have seen that the probability distribution function of pressure is very skewed, meaning that most of the 3D space has below-aver- age pressure. In contrast, the pressure head, defined as the summation of pressure and velocity magnitude, has a symmetric distribution function. More- over, it appears that the Bernoulli law (pressure head = constant) for inviscid fluid flows is approximately correct for high Reynolds number turbulent flows. High vorticity regions are strongly cor- related with high velocity regions because of spin-up. Therefore, the Ber- noulli law leads to low pressure in the high vorticity regions. In the movie sequences, we present iso- pressure contours from a pseudo-spec- tral simulation of the 3D Navier- Stokes equations. The system size is 5123 and . The red, blue, and green colors represent pressure con- tours of 50% above average, 5% above average and 30% below average, respectively. The low-pressure region forms worm-like structures, while the high-pressure region is randomly ori- ented. In other visualizations, we observe that the spatial structure of the pressure field is strongly corre- lated with the vorticity field. The shape of the high-vorticity region is substantially the same as the low- pressure field. In this connection, it can be noted that the pressure satisfies a Poisson equation, and the vorticity contributes to the source term in this equation. Acknowledgement: Shi-yi Chen, LANL, T13