About the Practices and Exercises

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About the Practices and Exercises

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About the Practices

The icon after a practice number indicates the file used in that practice was created or modified in an earlier practice.

The practices in the text are meant as a reinforcement for the material presented in the text. Therefore, students will gain the most from the practices by doing them after reading the related sections. In each practice, the green numbered item gives a general description of the task to be performed. The student should then follow each lettered step to complete that task. The practices must be performed in order, and the individual tasks within each practice must also be performed in order. (A student that encounters difficulty in a practice has usually skipped a step.) In most cases, subsequent practices and some exercises assume that earlier practices have been completed.

The Practice Cross Reference Guide lists the files and Web sites that are created or modified in the practices of Chapters 3 through 10.

About the Exercises

The icon after an exercise number indicates the file used in that exercise was created or modified in an earlier exercise.

Advanced exercises are generally more difficult for students because it is up to the student to originate much of the material used in the exercises. Since the answers to these exercises can vary, we only include corresponding answer files to the more straightforward advanced exercises.

The Exercise Cross Reference Guide lists the files and Web sites that are created or modified in the exercises of Chapters 3 through 10. Some of the exercises use the same files and Web sites in more than one chapter. For example, Exercise 2 in Chapter 7 modifies the same file that was used in Exercise 2 in Chapter 6.

If you would like to assign an exercise to a student who has not completed the prerequisite exercise from a previous chapter, simply give the student a copy of the appropriate answer, which in this example is the Ch06 Ex02 CACTUS Web site in the EXERCISE ANSWERS folder.

Errata to the First Printing

Please refer to Errata to the First Printing for corrections to the first printing of the text. The errata often contains important corrections that may affect the practices and exercises in the text.