Television food advertising aimed at children:
An internationa1 comparative survey

This report is available from Consumers International.
The price per copy is ú45 / US $68
(ú15/US $23 to Voluntary and Public Interest Organisations).

Children have become an increasingly important market for advertisers.
This report examines the practice and regulation of television advertising aimed at children, with special emphasis on food advertising, in thirteen countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom and the USA.

Some key findings of the survey were that:

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Television food advertising aimed at children:
An international comparative survey

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  • US $68 ($23 to Voluntary and Public Interest Groups)
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Back to Media Page See also :
  • Advertising to children - UK the worst in Europe - Food Magainze; Jan/Feb 97