- McJobs and Workers -

unless you're satisfied with getting fat

Posted by: Osric ( Australia ) on December 14, 1997 at 14:01:24:

In Reply to: Everyone has the ability to take charge of their own life posted by Dan on December 11, 1997 at 23:58:31:

: : I cant take charge of my own life because my life is determined by my employer, what I buy is determined by my employer (I work in a shopping chain) and why should I stop complaining so i could comform to a dea end job and believe how great it is?

: Everyone has the ability to take charge of their own life, the amount of control someone has over you has to do with the amount of control you give people over you. Dont be complacent with a dead end job go out and obtain something more. Strive for something, dont wait for something to be given to you. GET UP OFF OF THE COUCH! <*Cry*> People arent nice to me <*Cry*> So and So has more stuff then me <*Cry*> Where is my stuff? <*Cry*> I want your attention <*Cry*>

: There are many roads to success, the world may be a messed up place and not everyone loves you like mommy and daddy did so you have some options you can loose it (insert psychotic violent reaction) or you can motivate and take control of your own life. The last thing I want you to do is to conform. Id like you to see you strive for a bit more, if for no other reason it'll motivate me. Just dont whine, anything but whine.

Forgive me if I have missed the point here but isn't the point not just the fact that the job is menial and frustrating but that the entire wage system is little short of wage slavery. I've both lived in a squat and been a Judge's Associate, the problems remain the same. What seems to be suggested here is that if you get off your ass and get a decent job the problem is solved. This is not so unless your principles can be bought off by yet more consumer trinkets. No point in getting off your arse to get a better job when all that happens is that life has more fluff. This is not the issue. More money doesn't solve the deterioration of quality of life that is inherent in industrialised societies, although it can help you to forget.
Everybody does have the ability to take control of their own lives. Unfortunately unless you're satisfied with getting fat and indulging yourself in hedonistic excess, getting a better job is not the solution. Striving for a change of society's emphasis and direction is a far better occupation. Unfortunately this involves much personal sacrifice. You can't have your cake and eat it. Life was ever thus. So make your choice.



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