: Houston, we have a problem! Now, these school football team members...and their huge entourage of supporters that came along for the ride...are RAVENOUSLY hungry, and want quality, hot food ASAP!!! A two-hour committee meeting among all the "Owner/Associates" on how to serve this huge group what they want...and do it RIGHT...is going to piss them off, not to mention the other customers contributing to that huge line that is already extending out one entrance. Drive-thru is a whole nuther deal..let's not forget that! Do you have any idea on how everyone can QUICKLY decide what needs to be done to get everyone served efficiently and accurately?
This sort of bureucracy is akin to capitalism rather than socialism or worker control, in our society we would just serve the people because we would know that when required they might serve us (or be compelled to).
: Other matters: Irregardless of the working environment, be it utopian or otherwise, there will be at least one employee (or "associate") who just is not going to pull his or her weight...and will find (or invent) something to whine about. Since there are no bosses, how should this problem be dealt with? What if counselling and numerous attempts to accomodate this person come of no avail? [My annual salary is in the upper-teens..I've met people who make over $30 Thou who have the same lack of motivations and rebellious attitudes as several "min. wage" earners.]
O.K. you maybe obey your boss out of respect for hierarchy (more likely capitalist terror, you cant do without your wage can you?) but in our situation you would work because the entire work force would be observing your activities and should you slack life could be made very uncomfortable for you (I am infavour of some kind of benevolent work camp where by people can be taught the value of their work or failing that how they cant exist without the work of others)
: Also, how is pay to be determinned? Keep in mind all businesses have expenses they need to meet (rent or mortgage, suppliers to pay, etc.). If the "associates" decide to take home too high a percentage of the revenues generated, the business will fail, and then everybody is fucked. Do you have any ideas on how to keep everyone financially satisfied...and the business thriving? A healthy business is your security, especially in this type of arrangement. Finally on this matter, how will one become an "associate"? Will he or she need to contribute an investment? Or will he earn his stake in the firm over a period of time?
This difficult at first money will be maintained but eventually it could be phased ou tand everyone at every level would work because it is necessary or beneficial to society. Ants in a ant hill dont demand payment or break up their productive routines into suppliers and manufacturers etc.
: I've read many conflicting accounts regarding employee pay, especially the crew members. I don't know if the Corporate Stores and private franchises are paying the best wages possible without crippling the stores' abilities to function. Again I've never seen a franchise balance sheet, and Cracker Jack wouldn't even give me an Accounting Certificate from a box!!! Joey Stalin, Dan, and Cara know more than I do about the store funtions and all.
That is because small business will enevitably be crushed by big business resulting ultimately in the division of people into big business executives,their state servants (army etc.) and the workers.
: Well for what it's worth I've said my piece for this morning...took me two fucking hours to write. Mike Sprout, if you haven't left us yet, I too suck as a typist.
Tyoing this took me five minutes because as a socialist member of the working class I seek to be good at what I rather than prove a point.
: Well anyway I gotta go!
I hope you will return and concide defeat friend.
: Cheers and Peace!
: P.S. Everybody behave yourselves or you might find a magic bamboo cane in your sock!
Corporal punishment is not a laughing matter.