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Socialism and citizenship

Posted by: GERARD ALSO A CITIZEN ( MULTI-TENDENCY SOCIALISTS, N.IRELAND ) on November 26, 1997 at 20:21:34:

I think this site is excellent and provides a forum for valuable debate. I think that as well as discussing individual issues debate should take place on what everyone believes.

I'm not rewording the question of 'what are you?' (marxist, anarchist, socialist, leninist etc. etc.)it's just the term socialist and citizen are continually used and I'd like to know what everyone means by these.

For instance the IWW is anarchist is it not? Then how do you employ the term Citizen which implies a state body even if it is purely administrative.

I think that while socialism is about people and their power (strikes and Direct action) it must be combined with citizenship which I think is about state.

The state could be used by the people to attack Capitalism rather than support it, then it could lose its negative aspects e.g.censorship etc.


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