- McJobs and Workers -

i like working so much, they make me take paid breaks

Posted by: NY Employee ( Wantagh/Merrick Satelite, USA ) on November 04, 1997 at 11:11:32:

In Reply to: Mc Donalds managers posted by Slowly dying on November 01, 1997 at 13:25:41:

: Hey! anyone who says that these so called freaks of nature (otherwise known as managers) are not mean must BE A MANAGER!

I am not a manager, I have only been @ McD's for 6 months. I like all the managers there and I even hang out with some of them after work, so shut the hell up and stop dissing on my friends.

: I mean they push you to the damn limit and then when you finally get a measley break they ditch a pile of old crusty food at you and ask you to eat it!, do you know what kind of devestating effects this could have on us poor slaves, we dont end up eating the crap which in turn leads to anorexia and other eating disorders!

No sometimes thay have to force me to take a break, i like working so much, they say I do too much and make me take paid breaks. (for the stupids such as this person, that means I am still on the clock while I sit and eat). Not only that, thy do not stuff crusty old food upon me, I make it myself. If i dont like the meat in the cabinet, i make morte, i make my own creations that are many times better than regular stuff, and it is in no way crusty or old.

: And another thing, McDonalds managers are always so happy because they get to push us little employees around and treat us like shit just like they were treated!

No they werent and they dont do it to us. You have a dim view of Managers possibly from a bad experience with one. I had the same too, but that maganger has since changed her ways. Like I have said before, if you dont like your damn job QUIT, noones forcing you to stay there and I'm sure the Burger King up the block is hiring.

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