- McJobs and Workers -

Fastfood Workers are Unsung Heroes

Posted by: Quincunx on October 22, 1997 at 09:59:58:

In Reply to: You want to get realistic? posted by Shelly on October 14, 1997 at 22:13:39:

: You want to get realistic?

: If you seriously think that anyone considering employing you will take you on ahead of someone else because you've worked for a fast food chain, you should think again. I've been involved in interviewing prospective employees in the hospitality industry, and hard as it may be for you to believe, I would rather choose someone who has worked in a position requiring independent thought and responsible decision-making. Sorry, but that's reality as I see it.


It's not fair to see that folks who work in the fastfood industry get typecast as not being independent minded and not capable of responsible
decisionmaking. There's a caste system of sorts in western society that tends to view the fastfood worker as unqualified for employment in the hospitality industry.

Now Julia, I hope you read this and accept my apology for any wrongs I may have done to you but I do really believe that fastfood workers are the unsung heroes of the working class nowadays. If anyone puts you down for working at Burger King then,in a way, I'm being put down for working at Whataburger, McDonald's,yes Burger King and many other restaurants that aren't categorized as fastfood establishments.

In some of these places the conditions range from very clean to very
filthy. That includes four star restaurants that I have been in. So to say that fastfood workers are not qualified to work in the hospitality industry is a result of very snobbish, authoritarian views that are in themselves reflective of class consciousness on the part of the dominant elites in the "hospitality industry". That explains why I may never see much in the way of common interests with employers.

So I feel fastfood workers have a lot to be proud of because they do work hard. That's irregardless of whether or not I consider it to be boring work. Keep your chin up Julia and don't be ashamed to be working class. Because a working class heroe is something to be.If you don't understand all that I'm typing about that's understandable but remember that nobody is ever truly alone in this world.

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