- McJobs and Workers -

I can't wear my hair long either.

Posted by: Mike Bacon ( Bedford, TX, USA ) on September 27, 1997 at 12:33:58:

In Reply to: All I wanted was an ear ring posted by Keri J. Troidl on September 26, 1997 at 11:02:19:

: Hello, I worked in the "hell hole" we refer to as McDonald's for 4 years and 9 months of my life. Why? I don't know, but I found my fiance there the last year I was there. To get back to the subject. I don't think that employees should take looks like this in excess, but I was clearly discriminated against during my time there.

: When I began to work there back in 1990 I was told that I wiuld need to get my hair cut because I was a male. Two problems with this policy. First why are females permitted to grow there hair and men are not, sexual discmination.

Question for you: Why are men allowed to go topless outside and women are not? [Ladies and McSpotlight, I don't mean to offend you with this, I'm just using that as part of my point.] Furthermore, what if you wanted to wear a dress to work. Should McDonald's allow men to wear dresses? You see, long hair is associated with females by the standards of the "old school", and many workplaces that are not in liberal-oriented industries. I do wish I could grow my hair though, but I'm not allowed to at the bank that employs me. No biggie! Getting back to the point, dresses and purses are considered feminine, too. As I told Siamak, there are limits to everything.

Second, there was a manager who had been at that store since it was opened. He was allowed to keep his long hair because the change in policy had come during this time. The second thing that aggratvated me in relationship to this subject, was that I was also unable to have an ear ring of any kind.

I agree with you that the manager should have to follow the no long-hair rules, too. As for ear rings, those have also been associated with ladies, just like dresses and purses. Personally, I don't care. If a man wants to wear one of those or both, that's his business. Myself, I'm quite happy with the holes I was born with. I'm not a masochist, and definitely not a candidate for body-piercing and body-pierce oriented jewelry. I couldn't were any ear rings to work if I wanted to, anyway. Against company policy.

Like Mick Jagger says, "You can't always get what you want". Some companies do go overboard with rules and regs, but if you think you're going to get your way on everything in any workplace, then it's time to get real. And really, why get your bowels in an uproar over ear rings and long hair?

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