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Editor just giving excuses

Posted by: Siamak ( UK ) on August 07, 1997 at 19:35:48:

In Reply to: HELP! MY ARTICLE WAS BANNED posted by Sarah on August 06, 1997 at 21:39:08:

: My article about the McLibel case was banned by my editor because he thought it was libel! There is no use in McDonalds sueing me...i'm 18 and have no money, but this really pissed me off. The reason why it was banned is because I used lots of the information (like from the verdict) that i got from the Internet.

It sounds to me as if your editor is giving you just excuses because the stuff on this site are mostly in the public domain already and are published on paper eg. the verdict. I don't think McD will sue anyone for a long time to come, but even if they did, you can easily find printed material - court transcripts, McD witnesses own admissions, newspaper articles, books - to support yor case. So ask your publisher for the real reasons for not printing your article Sarah.

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