- McJobs and Workers -

We're not heartless monsters

Posted by: Joey Stalin ( Commieland ) on July 30, 1997 at 23:59:06:

In Reply to: Show us the evidence or shut up! posted by Siamak on July 30, 1997 at 12:01:33:

: :McSpotlight benefits from quite a bit of misleading information. Can you really blame them for being anti-union? Look at the damage that a union can do.
: I am really getting fed up with people who claim, without a scrap of evidence, that the information on McSpotlight is misleading. You are not the first person who says this and , I strongly suspect, won't be the last one either. But none of those who has claimed this has had the courage or integrity to stand by their words and tell us exactly how McSpotlight has mislead them. Even McD itself can not produce evidence to prove this otherwise it woudn't have hesitated in suing the site organisers. Now, as an ardent supporter of McD and what it represents, let's see whether you can enlighten all the McSpotlight readers on this matter.

Well, my little buddy, let's see here. One little tidbit of information that I see quite often here is that quarter-pounders contain 48% water. I'm not disputing that, in fact, it seems pretty close to truth. What's misleading, however, is that just about everything you eat is made up of a great deal of water. You yourself contain 75% water. Even dried fruit contains quite a bit of water. So a hamburger contains no more water than many other food items that you may enjoy.

That is only one little fact. It's true, but it is made to seem like McD is the only culprit.

: :I don't know how religious you are, but animals were put here for our use and consumption, according to the bible, if anyone reads it anymore.

: It's incredibly ignorant to assume religion equals Christianity. But let me tell you something you may not know Joey. On the global scale, Christianity is a minority religion. Many religions with great number of followers actually forbid exploitation and consumption of animals (you learn something new every day!). Moreover, I am not an expert on religion but I doubt that the bible ever said exploitation and torture of animals is legitimate religious activity. Have you ever thought that one of the reasons the bible readership is diminishing may be because of the spread of misrepresentations like yours?

Did I say that? Did I say that Christianity is the only religion? I think not. And how have my misrepresentations caused diminishing bible readership? Christianity is not the issue here, but as a major part of Western culture, it is worth mentioning what the holy book of many of us says about what we eat.

: : Do managers stalk their employees? Do they follow them home? Do they keep survelience on their houses? No, I think not.

: Well, knowing what McD did to the two defendant and their organisation in the McLibel case (they did all the above + more) I would not put it passed them do the same to their employees.

Well you should. We are not bad people. We care about the well-being of our employees. We genuinely give a damn. And when you make us all out to be heartless monsters, some of us get a little pissed off.

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