- McJobs and Workers -

if you hate your job, quit

Posted by: Joey Stalin ( PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals), Commieland ) on July 30, 1997 at 09:59:36:

In Reply to: It's only The Bad and The Ugly posted by Siamak on July 28, 1997 at 21:54:18:

: : It's obvious that everything is different in each McDonalds store.

: No Sarah, I don't agree. Minor differences aside, they all exploit their workers by paying low wages, they all benefit from misleading information to the public, they are all anti-union and they all benefit from cruelty to animals... So they have a lot more in common than you think.

Bull Shit. "Exploited" workers have every right to quit when ever they want. From what I see here, McSpotlight benefits from quite a bit of misleading information. Can you really blame them for being anti-union? Look at the damage that a union can do. I don't know how religious you are, but animals were put here for our use and consumption, according to the bible, if anyone reads it anymore.

: :There are probably managers, owners and crew trainers who visit this site to see where they are failing and how they can improve.

: Somehow I don't think so. Do you really think McD is so modest to take advice from mortals like us?

I personally know two McDonald's managers who come here to read this tripe. They can take constructive critisizm, if it is phrased constructively.

: :I accept that because McDonalds is franchised then the conditions are VERY VERY different. McDonalds should set rules and guidelines for all McDonalds to follow.

: That's why they have established a hamburger univerity Sarah, to train their managers and impose standards. So in fact conditions within one store are not all that different from another. The bad working conditions and ugly management style are endemic to all McD stores.

Yes, standards. Something which we see very little of these days. At least McDonald's has the ability to keep them up.

: : McDonalds needs to monitor their employees and see how they can improve, not give them incentives (pay raise and those little badges) to work HARDER.

: McD already monitors it's employees closely to the point of infringing their human and democratic rights. We don't want more of the same thank you very much!

Do managers stalk their employees? Do they follow them home? Do they keep survelience on their houses? No, I think not. The only monitoring that goes on is in the work place, as it should be, and that hardly infringes on the employees rights.

: I don't know how long you worked for McD and in what position, but you come across as very naive about McD operation.

And how long have you worked at McDonald's? It seems that you weren't too happy with your job. So why did you work there? And why didn't you quit sooner? I can tell you for sure that we all would be a great deal happier with out whining little fruits making our jobs miserable. I have to deal with them everyday. So if you hate your job, quit. Please quit just as soon as you can. We don't want you and we don't need you.

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