- McJobs and Workers -

McDonalds and Boyfriends

Posted by: Sarah ( Australia ) on July 21, 1997 at 14:45:57:

Okay, everyone who visits this site knows my opinion of how McDonalds treats their workers. But I have just received yet another phone call from my boyfriend cancelling our plans for the day in order to work because he was called in. I don't blame him though because if he says no then the managers get shitty and give him less hours. I don't see why they continuously need to call people at the last minute and ask them to work. Is it because someone has pulled out of their shift at the last minute? Well it seems to happen a lot. Or is it because the managers don't roster enough people on to see if they can get by without paying extra staff.
I seem to always be arranging our lives around McDonalds, and it was the same when I worked their. In the eyes of most Australian McDonalds owners (it seems) the attitude is plainly McDONALDS COMES FIRST. The crap they tell you about McDonalds fitting around your plans is bullshit. My McDonalds didn't even have a book where you could write that you were unavaliable. You had to tell a manager and hoped that they remembered.

I'm not mad at my boyfriend, he needs the money and it's hard to find work that will fit around uni. But he has his roster for the week, why can't McDonalds get their act together and roster enough staff on so I get to spend the day with my boyfriend?

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