- McJobs and Workers -

Re: McDonald's

Posted by: Andrew Gifford ( USA ) on January 06, 1998 at 17:08:16:

In Reply to: McDonald's posted by Tammy on January 04, 1998 at 19:29:37:

: I am absolutely amazed at what people will say today...... Lets take a moment
: to reflect, People are suggesting that we steal from a company that has helped
: so many...... I work for McDonald's..... I am proud..... I work for one of the largest companies in the world.... We are the best..... We care about our communities, our states, our country, our world......The job isnt easy, and often enough there is no glory......But I know that I am a part of a company that makes a difference who cares not only about its people but its customers, both very deeply.... I work for
: a compassionate company.....they are there when they are called upon never thinking about cost nor time.....just there because they care.....Yes, this is a company that people would make a web page on how to rip them off.....You people who steal from McDonalds or who looks for a way to get over should be proud of yourselves.....you done a great thing....congragulations.....But you know what.....even after all you've done, attempted to do. or will ever do in the future, has not, can not, and will not, tarnish the "GOLDEN ARCHES" they stand tall even still today, and will continue to do so, no thanks to people like you.....I work for McDonald's and I am proud of it. So here's to Ray Kroc, McDonalds and even Ronald himself, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!

Now, you honestly think that any corporation, especially one the size of McDonalds, actually cares about what their employees think? These faceless, multi-nationals have two objectives, cheap labor and the highest profit possible. Anything else is secondary. The poor people who are forced into these jobs because of lack of social and or educational skills, diserve twenty times what they are getting. They have to put up with some of the most demanding, rude, and arrogant people for the ske of a greasy buck. Take into account the brief period when McDonalds had their "Beanie baby" promo. These yuppies and under-compensating parents drove workers into tears because they couldn't a stupid doll.
Mind you, workers are treated like that on a daily basis, not just during promotions. Also, this is not exclusive to McDonalds, but to the fast food industry as a whole.
"...In the name of profit", is the motto for the great, multi-national corporation. How they seem fit, well, they've come up with some pretty creative ideas of how to exploit resources, capital, and, most of all, workers. It is a capitalist idea, the american way. The least we could do for these workers is help them to organize, and help them fight for the wages they definitely diservw. Or, I suppose, another way to help is to boycott the fast food industry as a whole. Some people think they can get away with helping to destroy everyone's right to a fair living with enough to support themselves and/or their family. After all, "AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN INJURY TO ALL!!!"
Abolish the slave/wage system, join the IWW!
Andrew Gifford

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