- McJobs and Workers -

Re: The glorious conditions of McD's workers

Posted by: Joe Worker ( McD's, USA ) on January 05, 1998 at 13:55:06:

In Reply to: The glorious conditions of McD's workers posted by a McD Slave on December 27, 1997 at 11:47:45:

I primarily work in a smaller McD's (An express). Some nights I end up closing the ENTIRE store myself with little or no help from the manager. The benefit of this, I can eat whenever I want whatever I want however much I want. Just dont abuse it.

In my experience in larger stores, most if not all (unless they are dicks) managers will give you at least a free drink. Heck they gave me free drinks when I applied for the job before they even hired me. Also many times if you tell a manager you are very sick they will let you go. They are not allowed to keep you there if you are sick it is Unsanitary, and if they do you should report it. Think about it, I dont want your sick as a dog ass handling my food.
As for managers taking food, they also dont get a break, and come on do they really eat that much, nope. They also work shifts twice as long as the average crew person give em a break.

In the end if you are unhappy with your job quit. I enjoy my job, I am friends with the people I work with, I do my job well etc. Noone is forcing you to be there, there are other jobs in the world. Goi get one or stop bitching and drop some fries.

Your friend,
The average McD's worker

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