- McJobs and Workers -

Do you hear me whining about making a living?

Posted by: Luke Kuhn ( Utopian Anarchist Party, USA ) on January 05, 1998 at 11:04:29:

Like I said before, I am NOT asking you to give me a job, and as far as I am concerned, my continued existance is and always has been contingent on my being able to live the way I want. Therefore, I have found ways of surviving OUTSIDE the system and/or off part time casual labor jobs comparable to what undocumented immigrants could get. It's amazing the options you have when you don't need a whole lot of money or are willing to make sacrifices to avoid needing it. In fact, I believe one of the reasons the exploiting class is so pro-marriage is because people with families are easily made dependant on their jobs, as threatening someone's kids with starvation has so much more impact than threatening them personally. This is one of a great many reasons why I refuse to marry or have a family. I prefer being single and free.

Besides, the Earth will thank me for not straining its resources even further, and everyone else's chilren will thank me for not providing competition that runs up the cost of food, housing, and manufactured goods for them.

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