- McJobs and Workers -

Re: If you don't care then why do you visit this site?

Posted by: Rcarter ( none, USA ) on January 05, 1998 at 10:45:57:

In Reply to: If you don't care then why do you visit this site? posted by Sarah on August 27, 1997 at 13:23:16:

I am totally pissed that Australia has had a media blackout regarding this shit!...but here in the U.S. it is diffrent. There is no media blackout...just a simple apathy which is prayed upon by the media. Americans will rally and fight an injustice till our country is a wasteland or we have won the war. The trick is to get us to look up and see the problem. (not an easy task.)
So, Micky D's and a hundred other corps exploit and seducehere as well as other countries. And we, allow this to take place.
If McDonalds were to drop off the face of the earth tomorrow, I wouldn't bat an eye!!

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