- McJobs and Workers -

Re: The glorious conditions of McD's workers

Posted by: nope on December 30, 1997 at 19:54:35:

In Reply to: The glorious conditions of McD's workers posted by a McD Slave on December 27, 1997 at 11:47:45:

: I have had so many bad experiences that there are too many to name. But then I have had many enjoyable times at work as well, such as the social events (rare but fun!).

: There are many factors of McD that really piss me off. For instance, getting a phone call from work....'can you come in as soon as possible?' to which I nearly always reply to with a yes. Once when I was rung I asked what job I was going to be doing once I got to work. They said front counter. I got there and I was on dining room for the whole evening (the most detestable job ever) (well I reckon anyway). This is one of my minor experiences. I have burnt myself on fries because we are always working so fast (but then who hasn't been burnt?), fallen over rushing (or 'hussling' as they call it in our store - their codeword for run like shit to get from one station to another).

: I think at the end of shifts, we deserve at least a free soft drink. Afterall, they make a profit on most items (if not all) when they sell at the special crew rate.

: Another thing that annoys me - birthday parties. After a birthday party we are given fifteen minutes to clean the tables and chairs, brush, mop, scrup, polish windows, wash up utensils (cake cutter etc), and generally having the place looking perfect. Impossible.

: When you feel sick, managers don't say 'hey, go sit in the crewroom for half an hour, and see how you feel'. They say 'well you've only got another 3or so hours to go'.

: Managers just take the food, such as drinks, burgers etc, but if we did that we would be fired!

: They expect us to deal with customer complaints, such as burgers being too small, etc.

: Another of many problems, the store is always understaffed.

: I expect all these problems are common among Macd's slaves, aren't they?

Stick up for yourself and say NO!

I am a shift manager and have to do dinning room sometimes during breaks and call offs. Dinning room does suck but someone have to do it you should not have been out there if you did go in on your day off and they said you would not be out there you should not have been.

Managers do take food but it is almost like a benifit, part of their pay.

It is a job mainly high school kids who parents tell them to be there they would rather be out with friends have a good time. Asking all the time can I go home I feel sick then come in later to eat with friends when confronted I fell better now. It is a job everyone gets sick it is only three ours deal with it. I your slow and other people are sent home and you are not one of them then it is a problem.

Not everyday but if a employee asked for a small drink I will let them take one the same goes for the other managers at out store. If you did your jobs and did not cause any problems you should have one.

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