- Multinationals -

Re: business apologists!

Posted by: Barry L. Thiessen ( SOULUTIONS Now, Canada (international) ) on January 19, 1997 at 23:22:22:

In Reply to: burger king posted by alan hutchinson on December 02, 1996 at 12:31:34:

> Re burgerking and unions. If you dont like burgerking you can
> look for a better job . That is the way of free enterprise and
> much better than whining and expecting someone else to do all
> for you. Unions are deadly to businesses- they, in my opinion
> are parasitic and leech of businesses. Unions are the refuge
> of the lazy and shiftless in my opinion. I am a senior of 66
> years age and was self-employed for 20 odd years. Nobody gave
> me anything! I worked for it. Seriously please dont expect
> others to help you. Do it yourself and in doing so you will
> develop self confidence and new skills. Then you will find it
> easier to obtain well paying jobs(if you want them)

Business, as it is conducted today by trans-national
corporations, is a leech on the human race and all life
on this planet.

If businesses treated employees decently, they wouldbn't
have to worry about unions. But because they treat their
employees with the same respect (i.e. none) they
offer to the life they destroy in pursuit of profits,

SOLUTIONS Now is determined to stop it all. What
might be even more interesting to any reading this
is that we know how we're going to do it.

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