- Multinationals -

Re: Multinational SCUM!

Posted by: Barry L. Thiessen ( SOULUTIONS Now: The Survival Project, Canada (international) ) on January 18, 1997 at 19:43:44:

In Reply to: Re: Multinational SCUM! posted by Forrin Jonni on December 13, 1996 at 20:20:46:

> > McDonald┤s dirty business is just one among many others.
> > Most of the MultiNational scumcorporations got blood on their
> > hands!: Shell, NestlΘ, Del Monte, Coca-cola...u name it!

> > I say It┤s time for a worldwide resistance
> > Let Θm taste their own medicine!


> I couldn't agree more. It's time we vote with our
> money, vote with our actions and boycott these
> sleazy corporations who are killing us all.
> It's time for financial revolution.

TO bring it all down, we need to organize. We
need a massive, coordinated hit on the current
economic system in order to bring it to it's
knees, to send out the message from the millions
of people who are being screwed along with the
rest of the planet.

SOULUTIONS Now is engaged in organizing just that
effort. If you visit us, you won't see major
reference to it, but there is some. We are
trying to bring in many people who are
concerned about all that is going on, so we
try to phase the concept in slowly, so as not
to frighten people away. But this is
happening and it is real and I urge you to
check it out at http://www.soulutions.com/

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