- Multinationals -

US multinationals

Posted by: Charles Decelles ( None, USA ) on November 17, 1996 at 21:30:41:

The sad part of this scene is that since the "end of the cold war"
we have seen an expansion of brutal trade agreements and the
exploitation of young people all over the world as the US
multinational corporations have expanded their grip, based on
the power of the dollar with the ruling classes and militaries
in third world nations.

It pains me as a US citizen to see that the corporations are
dictating national policy to a large extent. US corporations took
over the elections to the point that the presidential debates
were sponsored by the major corporations and they were able to
exclude third-party candidates from them. The US elections have
become less of an indication of the will of the people and more
a corporate horse and pony show. Don't look for reform in this area...

Education is the next aspect of US life where the corporations
expect to gain complete control. After all,does not education
exist in order to train our citizens for their careers? The links
between US, and foreign corporations and the universities are
strong, and with the contrived national debt looming over the
government, look for the government to cede financing and control
of education to the corporations in an ever-increasing
spiral of fiscal impoverishment in government.

The multinationals have the power of the United States government
behind them. And even if they didn't, they are quite able to
isolate any nation or group of people from the economic life of
the planet. It is a frightening thought.

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