- Multinationals -

Practising what You preach?

Posted by: Jyrki Outinen ( -, Finland ) on September 28, 1996 at 02:55:41:

I would have just wanted to ask You all what's Your
wiew of the activists in Your country; I think many
people are at least in theory aware of the problems
caused by crossnationals (I prefer this expression
rather than 'multinationals'), but how many of them
are actually putting their critical ideals in practise?
I believe at least most of You (all of you ca. 50 people
around the world...) are actually living up Your ideals,
but how's it with the rest?

P.S. Yes, thank God (be it Lord or Brahman or whatever)
, I am a vegan and not having much kitch around me.

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