- Multinationals -

My replies

Posted by: Johnny D. Braco ( none, Canada ) on November 20, 1997 at 23:29:25:

In Reply to: Survey--please help! posted by Olivia Leland on May 03, 1997 at 13:01:06:


: 1. General information
: Male/Female:M
: Age:22
: Nationality:Canadian
: Occupation:Maintenance
: Number of children (if any):single/0
: Ever worked at McDonald's?No
: Approximate number of inhabitants in your town:1,000,000
: Approximate number of McDonald's in your town: 40

: 2. Are you a vegetarian? No

: 3. How frequently do you go to McDonald's?
: A. More than 1x a week
: B. 1x a week
: *C. 1x a month*
: D. A few times a year
: E. Only went once
: F. Never

: 4. When you go to McDonald's, what do you order?

Double-quarterpounder without cheese meal

: 5. What do you like best about McDonald's? Why?

Their fries because they taste so good

: 6. What do you like least? Why?

Their breakfast meals. Don't care for the way they taste

: 7. If you had to use three words to classify McDonald's, what would they be?
Fast Greasy Food

: 8. If you don't eat at McDonald's, where do you eat when you want a quick meal?

: 9. Are there other fast food places that you prefer? If so, which ones? If not, why don't you like fast food?


: 10. Describe what you think of as the "typical" McDonald's customer.

Fulfilled by low quality food.

: 11. How did you find this website?

just surfing the net

: 12. If you are not American: Have you ever been to America?


: If you are American: Where else have you traveled?

: 13. Describe your vision of America in one sentence.

America is overpopulated in some cities and areas and is also a very proud nation!

: 14. Do you think of McDonald's as distinctly American? Why or why not?
I don't know

: 15. If you are not from America, do you think that McDonald's has a special marketing strategy for your country? (Ads, packaging, products, look of restaurant, etc.) Does this make them more or less appealing?
Yes & Yes

: 16. Do you think that the marketing campaigns have impacted your view of McDonald's (whether negatively or positive)? If so, which parts were most effective and why?

The size of the burgers in the ad

: 17. Describe an advertisement you have seen for McDonald's.

The one were Gretzky and some other bozo are shooting pucks at some goal for a burger or something.

: 18. Finally, is there anything else you would like to add? General feelings on McDonald's, suggestions for further research, etc.

You get the quality of food that you pay for

: Thank you so much for your help! Please let me know if you would be interested in receiving the results of this survey. Also, please note that any information you include here will remain entirely confidential (as long as you do not post it in the Debate Room, of course!)
: I would be interested in receiving the results of the survey.

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