- Multinationals -

I.C.I Dumping in St. Clair River

Posted by: Brian Slegers ( Blue Horizon, Canada ) on August 10, 1997 at 20:23:40:

I.C.I is dumping One thousand seven hundered and fity million, Gallons of toxic water into St. Clair river. I.C.I states water is clean but they are lying it is full of toxic stuff. Uranium, Amonia and so on. I have a list but it is not avalible at this time. Down river cities can no longer drink water. I.C.I bribed the cities with money to ignore the problem. I have pictures of a radioactive sign outside one of ponds. I showed I.C.I rep. He says it is fake. A week latter the sign was removed. I.C.I are murdering people, they are liers, And we do not want them in our country. They are currupt and are good at it. They buy off government to be able to get away with toxic dumping. To learn more write back have lots of info. giving you friends adress to e-mail, my veiws are differnt than his. His name is Darren

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