- Multinationals -

Re: Unilever

Posted by: Carmen Rodriguez ( Corporacion Cactus, Colombia ) on July 09, 1997 at 10:16:40:

In Reply to: Unilever posted by Sue on January 07, 1997 at 10:50:04:

: I just read in an ENDS (Environmental Data Services) report that in 1996
: Unilever was convicted of polluting a Bedfordshire stream with waste from its piggery.

: This isn't mentioned in your section on Unilever, although you do mention
: other pollution caused by Unilever in the early 90's. The ENDS report doesn't
: give much detail, does anyone know anything more about the recent incident?

I do not know about the incident, but I would like to find out if the information I got through the FNV's report on International Floriculture -May 1997- is reliable. It says that (I quote) "In Kenya at least fifty percent of the approximately 45 companies is owned by foreigners. Sulmac (the largest firm in Kenya) is owned by Unilever and Del Monte also owns a flower company...". I search all the information available about Unilever in the Net and other sources and I never found a reference about their investments, either in flowers or Africa. Can sonebody tell me some further information, or get in touch to disscus the Issue. Thanks.

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