- Multinationals -

Re: business apologists!

Posted by: Avi Lehyani ( USA ) on June 21, 1997 at 04:35:27:

In Reply to: Re: business apologists! posted by Ray Reeves on June 20, 1997 at 05:31:04:

: This is a response to the senior who obviously is opposed to unions;
: If there were unions in 3rd world countries there would not be child
: abuse to garment workers. If it was not for unions in America there would be higher accident and death rates on jobs. Unions help keep a balance, much like a democracy, the greatest form of government known to mankind. McDonalds and Burgerking treat their workers like they are brainless idiots and squeelch the free thinking mind with a policy on everything. Its the last place I would point to my children to seek employment.

If unions were a thing of the past like it should have been many years ago, products would be a lot cheaper and people working for low wages still would have a higher buying power. If Unions were controlling the manufacturing in the third world countries, products would be too expensive to buy and all the workers you are so concerned about would be adding to the countless milions who are already starving. Make your choice. Unions or not Unions.... I made mine.

If certain employers are notorious for treating their staff as they would the dead animals they serve for food, so what! People deserve the treatment they get, they don't like it, they can leave and get a real job and not count on Vittorio their Italian "Uncle" to settle the score. Nobody owes you a job.Unions activities has destroyed any possible competitivness in the NY area, coruption is everywhere, incompetence is the rule, parasitism will kill the beast at the end.

Food for thought.

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