Re: McDonald's email addresses

Posted by: Mila ( USA ) on November 01, 1996 at 03:40:55:

In Reply to: McDonald's email addresses posted by Reggie on May 05, 1996 at 20:27:20:

> Devin said..
> : I think it just goes to show how much McDonnalds
> : care what their customers / the public think
> : that they don't even have a return Email on
> : their Web pages, let alone A Debating Room.
> : Well done McSpotlight for encouraging rather
> : than stifling Debate.

> Maybe they just forgot to provide an email address,
> after all I am sure that they had lots on their
> minds, why else would they have produced
> a web site so devoid of content?

> In the spirit of co-operation I can provide
> you with a few email addresses for McDonald's
> right now..

> postmaster@bigmac.mcd.com
> crush@bigmac.mcd.com
> root@bigmac.mcd.com

> others to try include;-

> postmaster@mcdonalds.com
> root@mcdonalds.com

> Have fun ;-)

Good Job.... At least somebody is giving
McDonalds a chance people assume only
the worst after they read all this nonsense.

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