- McSpotlight -

There will Never be a Solution

Posted by: Flash ( Calgary, Canada ) on December 31, 1997 at 16:24:39:

After reading all the posts I have come to the conclusion that there will never be a solution to this debate. Like religion or government the two opposing sides will never admit that both sides arguements are flawed. If you stop eating meat, then the price of beans will go up and there will be groups shouting the unfair treatment of beans. People as a whole will not just stop eating meat. As for the treatment of animals I suggest that more humane practices can be followed. But there is another solution which everyone should consider: We have lots of space up here in Canada(land) enough for everyone including cows. Most of the cows roam on large pastures and seem fairly happy to me. We also have the benefit of 1/3 rd the worlds fresh water(clean as anywhere). We have friendly people that generally care for one another too. Yes we have activists too but if we can root out the violent ones who spike trees and injure and kill people this way then you all are welcome here. If you chose not to eat at Mc D's then I will not pressure you to do so as we have a reasonably free country and you have the right not to. And if you want to eat at Wendy's every other day that is ok too. When you get here introduce yourself to me as I will shake your hand and wish you a great day....til then...

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