- McSpotlight -

McPoison and McPropoganda

Posted by: Harry Hoover on June 18, 1997 at 11:00:22:

In Reply to: Re: Campaign 55 posted by David Broida on June 09, 1997 at 11:18:42:

Talking about ads; Some time ago, Norwegian McD started to sell a new product called Mc Salmon.(A fishburger, of course). And campained heavily on tv and other media. All seemed to be going well.

Not so: Two weeks ago several people were reported to have fallen sick after eating a McSalmon burger, and had been taken to hospital showing signs of poisoning. Some of these unlucky customers were later refused to talk to the press by the hospital, fearing that they might be sued by McD!

Now that the press has tired of the case, looking elsewhere for action,
McD has bought massive amonts of TV ad time for, not the McSalmon ad of course, but for another ad portraying McD as THE place to eat, anywhere in the world.

The people who got poisoned are reported to be considering to sue McD.........
McD on the other hand have started to mumble "sabotage" in selected journo┤s ears.

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