- McLibel -

Re:Mc. Donald's has muderous habits.

Posted by: Brandon Rice ( ARDAC, U.S.A. ) on January 01, 1998 at 20:00:32:

In Reply to: Anti-Mc campaigners won the day posted by Alex on July 27, 1997 at 13:17:08:

: :The million dollar coperation Mc. Donalds, is the main cause for many very serious problems in this world. They cause deforestation by clearing millions of acres of rain forests to breed and slaughter innocent cattle. The lack of trees means thousands of birds and other animals lose their homes. The dropping population of birds means more insects, and our only answer to that is pesticide. Plants that manufacture pesticide pollute the atmosphere and water with poisonous and deadly chemicals which cause hundreds of people to get sick.
In addition to this, Mc. donalds was found to carry several types of unhealty food. In fact, a recent study called chicken Mc.Nuggets "unsuitable for human consumption" Do you need any more reasons to deny this corperation your finacial support? I hope not, but if so, just go into your local Mc. Donalds and ask for the current health report. You will be very suprised.

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